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Sir R. Heron states that with peafowl, the first advances are always made by the female; something of the same kind takes place, according to Audubon, with the older females of the wild turkey. With the capercailzie, the females flit round the male whilst he is parading at one of the places of assemblage, and solicit his attention. In regard to peafowl, see Sir R. Heron, 'Proc. Zoolog.

Gray informs me that he specified the African squirrels, because, from their unusually bright colours, they best exhibit this difference. The female of the Mus minutus of Russia is of a paler and dirtier tint than the male. In a large number of bats the fur of the male is lighter than in the female. J.A. Allen, in 'Bulletin of Mus. Comp. Zoolog. of Cambridge, United States, 1869, p. 207. Mr.

Zoolog. of Cambridge, United States, vol. ii. Bryant, who had ample opportunities for observation. He says, "Many of the females on their arrival at the island where they breed appear desirous of returning to some particular male, and frequently climb the outlying rocks to overlook the rookeries, calling out and listening as if for a familiar voice.

Certain fishes, belonging to several families, make nests, and some of them take care of their young when hatched. Both sexes of the bright coloured Crenilabrus massa and melops work together in building their nests with sea-weed, shells, etc. According to the observations of M. Gerbe; see Gunther's 'Record of Zoolog.

All the foregoing statements and quotations, in regard to Cophotis, Sitana and Draco, as well as the following facts in regard to Ceratophora and Chamaeleon, are from Dr. A Chinese species is said to live in pairs during the spring; "and if one is caught, the other falls from the tree to the ground, and allows itself to be captured with impunity" I presume from despair. Mr. Swinhoe, 'Proc. Zoolog.

Blyth also informs me that the sexes of the stonechat, Saxicola rubicola, are distinguishable at a very early age. Mr. Zoolog.

Landois has recently found in certain Orthoptera rudimentary structures closely similar to the sound-producing organs in the Homoptera; and this is a surprising fact. See 'Zeitschrift fur wissenschaft Zoolog. B. xxii.

The tail often differs remarkably in length within the same genus: thus in some species of Macacus it is longer than the whole body, and is formed of twenty-four vertebrae; in others it consists of a scarcely visible stump, containing only three or four vertebrae. Mr. St. George Mivart, 'Proc. Zoolog. Soc. 1865, pp. 562, 583. Dr. J.E. Gray, 'Cat. Brit.

Pallas, 'Spicilegia Zoolog. fasc. xiii. 1799, p. 24; Desmoulins, 'Dict. Class. d'Hist. In most cases, when only the male emits a strong odour during the breeding- season, it probably serves to excite or allure the female.

See Mr. In regard to birds which build in holes or construct domed nests, other advantages, as Mr. Mr. Mr. C. Horne, 'Proc. Zoolog. It is a more serious objection to Mr. Wallace's view, as is admitted by him, that in some few groups the males are brilliantly coloured and the females obscure, and yet the latter hatch their eggs in domed nests.