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The Jesuits and the Bethlemite monks alone renounced that fatal prejudice, and encouraged negresses in their plantations. If the census, no doubt imperfect, of 1775, yielded 15,562 female, and 29,366 male slaves, we must not forget that that enumeration comprehended the totality of the island, and that the sugar plantations occupy even now but a quarter of the slave population.

In the treaty of 562, Justinian ingloriously agreed to pay for the honor of being the protector of the Christians in Persia the annual tribute of thirty thousand pieces of gold. CONQUEST OF AFRICA From a military point of view the conquests of Justinian in Africa, in Italy, and in Spain, were the signal events of his reign. Victory proved fatal to the barbarian conquerors in those countries.

Gratia infusa, meaning the working of God upon the hearts of men, by means of which their lives become pleasing to God. Cf. Loors' Dogmengeschicte, 4th ed., pp. 562 ff. See Thesis 5. See Theses 41-47. See Theses 52-55. See Thesis 80. See above, Introduction, p. 22 f. See Theses 21, 33. See Thesis 55, and Introduction, p.22. viz., The Instruction to the Commissaries.

Lambs. 1 2-yr. 296 133 154 562 Deaths 6 Incr.266 2 4-yr. 325 150 155 625 2 300 3 5-yr. 326 160 646 320 4 2-yr. 302 27 329 5 1-yr. 309 309 886 6 1-yr. 309 309 3 Rams died 2780 12 ditto purchased Flocks.|Breeding|Maiden|Wethers.|Rams.| Lambs. |Total.| Remarks. | Ewes. | Ewes.| |Male. Female.| No.

In a plébiscite, or mass vote of the people, held in the early days of 1800, it was accepted by an overwhelming majority, viz., by 3,011,007 as against only 1,562 negatives. No fact so forcibly proves the failure of absolute democracy in France; and, whatever may be said of the methods of securing this national acclaim, it was, and must ever remain, the soundest of Bonaparte's titles to power.

It has been shown how, in A.D. 562, the Japanese settlement in Mimana was exterminated; how the Emperor Kimmei's dying behest to his successor was that this disgrace must be removed; how subsequent attempts to carry out his testament ended in failure, owing largely to Japan's weak habit of trusting the promises of Shiragi, and how, in 618, the Sui Emperor, Yang, at the head of a great army, failed to make any impression on Korea.

The expenditures during two years are detailed thus in the same report: For Civil List . . . . . . . . $50,000.00 " Permanent Settlements . . . . 18,000.00 " Legislature and Privy Council . . 15,281.63 " Department of Judiciary . . . . 73,562.61 " " Foreign Affairs and War 98,028.24 " " Interior . . . . 396,806.41 " " Finance . . . . 141,345.29 " " Attorney-general . 88,412.17 " Bureau of Public Instruction . . 88,347.79 $969,784.14 Balance on hand March 31, 1872 . . . . . . . $56,752.41 $1,026,536.55

Manchester, Warwick, and the other commanders, had likewise great credit with the public; nor were there any hopes of prevailing over them, but by laying the plan of an oblique and artificial attack, which would conceal the real purposes of their antagonists. * Clarendon, vol. v. p. 562. Clarendon, vol. v. p. 562.

Twenty previous wars Present War Total cost $26,123,546,240 $75,000,000,000 Total killed 6,498,097 5,000,000 Called to the colors 18,562,200 40,000,000 We have said that the cost of the war has now risen to the almost unbelievable total of over $130,000,000 a day. That is more than the total cost of the whole war between Russia and Turkey in 1828.

Stowe, for, when this testimonial came in, it filled twenty-six thick folio volumes, solidly bound in morocco, and it held the names of 562,448 women, representing every rank, from the throne of England to the wives of the humblest artisans in Wales or the peasants in Italy. The message of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is so simple that he who runs may read.