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The only deviation from the design of the old steeple was this. I lifted out the tower from this encroachment by adding five or six feet to its height; so that it now rises above the surrounding roofs as much as it originally did. I also omitted the partial walling up of the belfry windows, which may be seen in old views." See "Recollections," p. 309. Edited by his son, 1861. Ibid., p. 310.

On the contrary, one may represent true wit by the description which Aristaenetus makes of a fine woman: "When she is dressed she is beautiful: when she is undressed she is beautiful;" or, as Mercerus has translated it more emphatically, Induitur, formosa est: exuitur, ipsa forma est. Fifth Paper. Scribendi recte sapere est et principium, et fons. HOR., Ars Poet. 309.

Speaking of Voltaire he says: 'It is the great failing of a strong imagination to catch greedily at wonders. Ib. vi. 455. See ante, i. 309, note 3, ii. 247, and Boswell's Hebrides, Oct. 19, 1773. According to Mrs. The following plausible but over-prudent counsel on this subject is given by an Italian writer, quoted by 'Rhedi de generatione insectarum, with the epithet of 'divini poetæ:

As I should draw it up, it would look like this: Council of Trent. Quart. Rev., 71, 108. Chrysostom. For. Quart. Rev., 27, 184. Congress of Vienna. Brownson's Rev., 2d S. 1, 413; 3, 309. Cardinal Consalvi. N. Brit. Rev., 10, 21. Built by Agrippa. Consecrated, 607, to St. Mary ad Martyros. Called Rotunda. The Coliseum, b. by T. Flavius Vespasian. Popes. The line begins with New-Englander, 7, 169.

Garat, 309: "After the 20th of June everybody made mischief at the chateau; the power of which was daily increasing. Danton arranged the 10th of August and the chateau was thunderstruck." Robinet: "Le Proces des Dantonistes," 224, 229. "He was present for a moment on the committee of Public Safety. III., ch. I.-Buchez et Roux, XXV., 285.

* Digges, p. 412, 428. Melvil, p. 130. Spotswood, p. 309. The king excused himself by Sir Alexander Hume, his ambassador; and Lenox, finding that the queen had openly declared against him, was further confirmed in his intention of overturning the English interest, and particularly of ruining Morton, who was regarded as the head of it.

With a Preface by A. HERZEN. Translated from the French. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. 309.

The whole number of the inhabitants was 134,600. Of these 1,843 were adult patricians; 4,309 women and children of the patrician class; Cittadini of all ages and both sexes, 3,553; monks, nuns, and priests, 3,969; Jews, 1,043; beggars, 187.

Eternal growth has no such fears, But freshening still with seasons past, The old man clogs its earlier years, And simple childhood comes the last." Burbridge's Poems, p. 309. "Some may know the story of that German nobleman," &c. The Baron von Canitz.

It should be remembered that the above are only samples from the whole body of evidence, which would take up a much larger space if exhibited in full. The total result may be summarised thus. Accepting the scheme of Marcion's Gospel given some pages back, which is substantially that of 'Supernatural Religion, Marcion will have omitted a total of 309 verses.