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Bazin, quoted by Breuil, in Mémoires de la Société d' Antiquaires de Picardie, viii. p. 191 note. Correspondent quoted by A. Bertrand, op. cit. p. 407. In Perche the midsummer bonfires were called marolles. The names of the bonfires vary with the place; among them are failles, bourdifailles, bâs or baux, feulères or folières, and chavannes. La Bresse Louhannaise, Juin, 1906, p. 207.

Of the shipping which avails itself of this route to the East, which is shorter by six thousand miles than any other, about eighty per cent, is British. In 1891, of 4,207 ships, with a grain tonnage of 12,218,000, as many as 3,217 of 9,484,000 tons were British. Extensive works were undertaken in 1894 for the widening of the canal.

Camped at a spring on South-East side of granite hills, resembling a saddle. Passed Mount Hawes, leaving it a little to the north. From hill near camp, Mount Hawes bore North 295 degrees East magnetic, Mount Merivale North 278 degrees East magnetic, Frenchman's Peak North 243 degrees 30 minutes East magnetic, and the east side of Mondrain Island North 207 degrees 30 minutes East magnetic. 11th.

To celebrate nuptials signifies to be joined with the Lord, 41. To enter into nuptials is to be received into heaven by the Lord, 41. Why nuptials in the world are essential solemnities, 306. OBSTRUCTIONS of inmost life, whence they proceed, 313. OCHIM, the, in hell, represent the images of the phantasies of the internals, 264, 430. ODE sung by virgins in the spiritual world, 207.

This man, the father of the Salinator mentioned in 7, was consul in 219 and subdued the Illyrians, but was condemned for misappropriation of public moneys and went into exile. In 210 he was induced to return by the desire of the senate. In 207 he became consul with C. Claudius Nero, and defeated Hasdrubal in the great battle of the Metaurus.

Course and distance sail'd since Yesterday at Noon was first North-East by East, 27 Miles, then North 10 degrees East, 37 Miles; Longitude in 207 degrees 20 minutes West; Variation per morning Amplitude and Azimuth 9 degrees 10 minutes East. Saturday, 12th.

Protestant Dissenters, including Wesleyans, 5,093, making about one-twenty-sixth of the whole. Jews, 856, Mahometans and Pagans, 207. Of the inhabitants of New South Wales in 1841, 101,749 were returned as free, while 26,977 were in bondage.

PARADISE, spiritually understood, is intelligence, 353. Paradise on the confines of heaven, 8. PARCHMENT IN HEAVEN. Roll of parchment containing arcana of wisdom concerning conjugial love, 43. Sheet of parchment, on which were the rules of the people of the first age, 77. PARNASSIDES, sports of the, in the spiritual world, 207. These sports were spiritual exercises and trials of skill, 207.

The discharge of them is attended with delight, 207. ADMINISTRATORS. In the spiritual world there are administrators, 207. ADORATIONS. Why the ancients in their adorations turned their faces to the rising sun, 342. ADRAMANDONI is the name of a garden in the spiritual world; this word signifies the delight of conjugial love, 183.

A. By a firm purpose of sinning no more I mean a fixed resolve not only to avoid all mortal sin, but also its near occasions. "Fixed." Not for a certain time, but for all the future. 207 Q. What do you mean by the near occasions of sin? A. By the near occasions of sin I mean all the persons, places and things that may easily lead us into sin. "Occasions." There are many kinds of occasions of sin.