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One fine morning at 5 a.m. we were awakened by a fearful din, much worse than the usual thing. The huts trembled and our beds shook beneath us, not to mention the very nails falling out of the walls! We wondered at first if it was a fleet of Zepps. dropping super-bombs, but decided it was too light for them to appear at that hour.

Among those who are not shuddering in cellars there are some who seem possessed by a sort of light insanity, half defiance, half excited curiosity. People say exultantly, 'I had a perfectly splendid view of the last Zepp! A mother whose daughter was paying her a visit said to her, 'I wish you could have seen the Zepps while you were here. It is such an experience."

"It's a magnificent night for a raid," Dickens remarked glancing around. "No chance of Zepps over here, I should say," Collins declared, a little didactically. "I was looking at your map at the golf club only this morning." They all made their way back to the house. Granet, however, seemed still dissatisfied. "I'm going to see that my car's all right," he told them. "I left it in the open shed."

Feather had not returned, but they were not hysterical for that reason. She had probably remained at the house to which she had gone to see the Zepps. After the excitement was over, people like the Sinclairs were rather inclined to restore themselves by making a night of it, so to speak. As "to-morrow" had now arrived, Lord Coombe wished to see her on her return.

You were a miserable stay-at-home, hiding in your little bolt-hole in Whitehall when the Zepps came over, while Hugh Henfrey fought for his King and for Britain. Now I am quite frank, Mr. Sherrard. That's why I despise you!" and the girl's pale face showed two pink spots in the centre of her cheeks. "Really," he said in that same superior tone which he so constantly assumed.

"We could catch them if they didn't know we were coming South," said another Midshipman perched beside Mordaunt with his knees under his chin. "But they always do know," said Harcourt over his shoulder. "Their Zepps always see us coming and give them the tip to nip off home!" "Fog..." said Mordaunt musingly. "Yes," said another who had not hitherto spoken. "That 'ud do it all right.

At that moment a young man flew along the silent, shadowed street, and as he passed them shouted somewhat hysterically the one word: "Zepps!" Christine clutched his arm. They stood still. "Do not be frightened," said G.J. with perfect tranquillity. "But I hear guns," she protested.

Shrapnel burst all round them, and then the Zepps. seemed suddenly to become alive, and they answered with machine guns, and the patter of bullets and shrapnel could be heard all around. The Commander of one of the Zepps. apparently fearing his airship might be hit, must have given the order for all the bombs to be heaved overboard at once, for suddenly twenty-one fell simultaneously!

And last night a golden opportunity came and went unobserved." "The milkman was babbling to Jane about Zeppelins this morning, but I thought it was probably only the result of overnight potations at 'The Jolly Sailorman." "No, it was the real thing 'made in Germany," smiled Audrey. "I begin to feel as if we were quite the hub of the universe, now that the Zepps have acknowledged our existence."

'He's very dull there, said Edith. 'I dare say he is, he answered. 'I'm sure I should feel half inclined to cut my throat if I were alone, with a game leg, at a place like that. Besides, they've had the Zepps there already once. Just the place for them to come again. 'He's very bored. But he's much better, and he's going back to the front in a fortnight. 'In a fortnight! Good heavens!