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Everybody, it seemed, was being hit all at once, and Sandy Wadgers, knowing as ever and his wits sharpened by a frightful blow in the nose, reopened the door and led the rout. The others, following incontinently, were jammed for a moment in the corner by the doorway. The hitting continued. Phipps, the Unitarian, had a front tooth broken, and Henfrey was injured in the cartilage of his ear.

Henfrey, I think I am not of your opinion." "You think possibly she would have implicated herself if she had told me the truth?" "I do. But the chief reason I asked you to call and see me to-night is to learn for what reason you have been induced to go on a visit to this Mrs. Bond." "Because Benton suggested it.

"Janny," he said, over the rail of the cellar steps, "'tas the truth what Henfrey sez. 'E's not in uz room, 'e en't. And the front door's onbolted." At first Mrs. Hall did not understand, and as soon as she did she resolved to see the empty room for herself. Hall, still holding the bottle, went first. "If 'e en't there," he said, "'is close are. And what's 'e doin' 'ithout 'is close, then?

And the witnesses have placed their signatures afterward," remarked The Sparrow thoughtfully. "But in this case all seems above board at least so far as the will is concerned. Benton was old Henfrey's bosom friend. Henfrey was very taken with Louise, and I know that he was desirous Hugh should marry her."

In London I found out that you were up here, so I thought it best to see you in secret. You know why I have come to you, Miss Ranscomb eh?" "On behalf of Mr. Henfrey." "Yes. He is still in hiding. It has been impossible through force of circumstances for him to send you further messages." "Where is he? I want to see him." "Have patience, Miss Ranscomb, and I will arrange a meeting between you."

The news having got about the school, Clephane and Mansfield opened their second innings to the somewhat embarrassed trundling of Masters Royce and Tibbit, of the Junior School, before a substantial and appreciative audience. At fifty, Tibbit, understudying Henfrey as captain of the side, summoned to his young friend Todby from short leg, and instructed him to "have a go" at the top end.

Though the pains in her head were excruciating, as she explained, yet she could now think, and she remembered all the bitterness of the past. "You, M'sieur Henfrey, are the son of my dead friend. You have been the victim of a great and dastardly conspiracy," she said.

Was it possible that the suspicions which both Molly and he had entertained were true namely, that the old man had attempted to kill his mistress? After all, the hue-and-cry had been raised by the police merely because Hugh Henfrey had fled and successfully escaped.

It is only the little clumsy muddlers whom the police catch and the judge makes examples of!" Then crossing back to the window, he said aloud: "Lisette ought to be here! She was due in from Toulouse at nine o'clock. I hope nothing further has happened. One thing is satisfactory young Henfrey is safe."

From his attitude it seemed to me that he is protecting Henfrey from some secret motive of his own one that is not at all in accordance with our plans." "But he is surely acting in our interests!" "Ah! I'm not so sure about that." "You surprise me. He knows our intentions and approved of them!" "His approval has, I think, been upset by the murderous attack upon Yvonne."