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I thought he took a furtive glance at me out of the corner of his eye, but as not even this notice was repeated, I judged I had been mistaken. By this time he was picking his way among some dangerous 'breaks' abreast the woodyards; therefore it would not be proper to interrupt him; so I stepped softly to the high bench and took a seat.

Her relations with her husband were perfect, she had said so for years and every one said the same thing about the Woodyards. They were very intimate friends, close comrades. She knew that Percy respected and admired her more than any woman in the world, and paid her the last flattery of conceding to her will, respecting her intelligence.

When she found time to call at the Woodyards', she saw that the house was closed, and the caretaker, who was routed out with difficulty, informed her that the master and mistress had sailed for Europe the week before. 'Very sudden, mused Isabelle. 'I don't see how Percy could get away.

It was a bright mild morning. The sun came "dancing up the east" as we floated past wharfs and woodyards and old houses on the banks, past wherries and coal boats and merchant ships on the river, until we reached our destination at the Irongate Wharf, near the Tower of London. I heard St. Paul's clock strike six just as we reached our mooring ground.

And there was Elsie Beals, quite elegant, the only daughter of the President of the A. and P. The Woodyards, Percy and Lancey, classmates of Vickers at the university, both slim young men, wearing their clothes carelessly, clearly not of the Hollenby manner, had attached themselves here. Behind them was Nan Lawton, too boisterous even for the open air.

The two men walked down the street together, and the Senator, who had met Cairy at the Woodyards' a number of times and remembered him as an inmate of the house, fell to talking about the dead man. "Poor chap!" he said meditatively; "he had fine talents." "Yes," assented Cairy. "It was a shame!"

He wishes to meet you, he is a great favorite of the Woodyards, of Conny, I should say, Tom Cairy.... He was at college with your brother, I think. I will bring him over in the afternoon if you say so. He's amusing, Thomas; but I don't vouch for him. Good-by, girl." Isabelle watched Margaret Pole cross the light green of the lawn, walking leisurely, her head raised towards the mountains.

In the same undiscriminating manner he agreed with her other remarks about the Woodyards. People were people to him, and life was life, more or less the same thing everywhere; while Isabelle felt the fine shades. "I think it would be delightful to know people worth while," she observed almost childishly, "people who do something." "You mean writers and artists and that kind?

Pole, steadying himself by the hand-rail, descended the stairs. He no longer existed, even as a convention, for his wife. Isabelle had not succeeded in bringing Vickers home with her that first time she had gone abroad. They had had a very pleasant month in the Dolomites, and he had taken her to Paris to join the Woodyards, with whom she returned.

"It is an idle wind which blows no one good," and amid the general destruction the drift-wood was a God-send to the poor people, and they caught enough to supply them with fire-wood for months. Logs, fences, boards and the contents of steamboat woodyards were swept into the current. On high points of land near the shore were collected piles bristling with ragged stumps and limbs of trees.