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Then I went away, because he knows Mr. Wickens, and I was afeerd of his telling on me." The boy being now subdued, questions were put to him from all sides. But his powers of observation and description went no further. As he was anxious to propitiate his captors, he answered as often as possible in the affirmative. Mr.

No one's been to the pigs yet, and it wants but half an hour to milking." "We wur setting around for Grace Wickens to bring us out our tea," said Broadhurst. "You thought maybe she wouldn't know her way across the yard if you was on the other side of it? The tea ain't ready yet I tell you I haven't had any.

Wickens that I am the last person in Lyvern you would trust with a job." "So you are the very last. Why don't you drink your beer?" "Not in scorn of your brewing, lady; but because, bein' a common man, water is good enough for me." "I wish you good-night, Miss," said the man; "and thank you kindly for Bess and the children."

B Company, as we have seen, did extraordinarily well under his command. The following N.C.O.'s were promoted to commissioned rank at Souastre for bravery and good conduct in the field: Sergts. Wickens, Ross, Turner, Rogers, Cawley and Crust. The two latter gained command of B and A Companies respectively during 1918. These appointments were most gratifying to officers and men of the Battalion.

I'd sooner he married a cleaner, steadier sort of gal." Grace Wickens had already departed, her cocoa-making tendencies having lately passed into mania and her successor was an older woman, a widow, who had fallen on evil days. She was a woman of few words, and Joanna wondered a little when one afternoon she said to her rather anxiously: "I'd lik to speak to you, ma'am in private, if you please."

"Is that man here by your permission?" he said to Farmer Wickens, who was walking about as if superintending a harvest. "He is here because he likes, I take it," said Wickens stubbornly. "He is a neighbor of mine and a friend of mine.

And Wickens, with a smile expressive of his sense of having retorted effectively upon the parson, nodded and walked away. Just then Agatha, skating hand in hand with Jane Carpenter, heard these words in her ear: "I have something very funny to tell you. Don't look round." She recognized the voice of Smilash and obeyed.

Both George and his friend, as it happened, had heard the conversation. The friend raised his eyebrows in disgust. "What a brute that fellow is! They have been married four months. However, she was amply warned." "Who was she?" "The daughter of old Wickens, the banker. He married her for her money, and lives upon it religiously.

You go now and ask Grace Wickens, my gal, to give you a cup of hot cocoa." Young Socknersh went, stooping his shock-head still lower as he passed under the worn oak lintel of the kitchen door. Joanna interviewed the shepherd from Honeychild, a man from Slinches, another from Anvil Green inland, and one from Chilleye, on Pevensey marsh beyond Marlingate.

Then she jumped up briskly and tore the sheet off the bed, throwing it with the pillows on the floor, so that Grace Wickens the servant should have no chance of making the bed without stripping it, as was the way of her kind. Grace was not up yet, of course. Joanna hit her door a resounding thump as she passed it on her way to the kitchen.