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See the previous volume of these Studies, "Sexual Selection in Man," p. 161. See, e.g., Ploss and Bartels, Das Weib, vol. i, beginning of chapter VI. Hyrtl states that the name labia was first used by Haller in the middle of the eighteenth century in his Elements of Physiology, being adopted by him from the Greek poet Erotion, who gave these structures the very obvious name cheilea, lips.

What he saw was a composite woman with flushed cheeks and soliciting eyes, becomingly gowned and hatted to the masculine judgment. On the walls, heavily frescoed in the German style, he read, in Gothic letters: "Wer liebt nicht Wein, Weib, and Gesang, Er bleibt ein Narr sein Leben lang." The waiter brought the sandwiches and beer, yet he did not eat.

Vol. 34, 1889, pp. 826-833. Donaldson, Rev. James. Woman, Her Position and Influence in Ancient Greece and Rome. 278 pp. Longmans, Green. London, 1907. Spencer, Herbert. Study of Sociology. 431 pp. Appleton. Schirmacher, Käthe. Das Rätsel: Weib. 160 pp. A Duncker. Weimar, 1911. Ward, Lester F. Psychic Factors in Civilization. 369 pp. Ginn & Co., Boston and New York, 1906. Chap.

The little Swiss was standing between his packages with his back to the wall, searching for me with anxious eyes, and when I gave him the bad news tears trickled down his face. "Was kann ich thun? Mein armes Weib hat Angst fur mich."

One of the "neutrals" spoke to me in German, which was a dangerous tongue in Paris. He was a Swiss who had come to Paris on business for a few days, leaving his wife in a village near Basle. It was of his wife that he kept talking. "Ach, mein armes Weib! Sie hat Angst fur mich."

I can say, 'Wein, Weib, und Gesang, and that's enough for any French hussar to know." They had come up with the whole regiment now, which was moving slowly down the valley, and Georges reported to his captain, who in turn reported to the major, who presently had a confab with the colonel.

Wallace, Alfred Russel. Narrative of Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro. 541 pp. Reeve & Co., London, 1853. Williams, Thomas, and Calvert, James. Fiji and the Fijians. 551 pp. Appleton. Ploss, Dr Hermann H. Das Weib. 2 vols. Th. Grieben's Verlag. Leipzig, 1885. Greiger, Ostiranische Kultur. Erlangen, 1882. Quoted from Folkways , p. 513. Robertson Smith, W. Religion of the Semites. 508 pp.

Ich bin ein Edelmann Lasz doch sehen, ob mein Adelbrief aelter ist als der Risz zum unendlichen Weltall; oder mein Wappen gueltiger ist als die Handschrift des Himmels in Louisens Augen: Dieses Weib ist fuer diesen Mann. 'Cabal and Love'. In 'Cabal and Love' Schiller found again, as he had previously found in 'The Robbers', a thoroughly congenial theme.

E.g., Knudtzon, no. 124. Zimmern, Busspsalmen, p. 32. The popularity of the sun-cult in Assyria in connection with omens and oracles is probably due also in part to the influence of Marduk, who was, as we have seen, a solar deity. Lehman, Samassumukin, p. 42. See Ploss, Das Weib, pp. 594-606; also above, p. 267. IVR. pl. 61. I.e., Ishtar sends the wind with a clear message. 3d month.

At last the people with whom I lodge, and to whom I told my business, advised me to send for a meiga. Myself. A meiga! What is that? Benedict. Ow! a haxweib, a witch; the Gallegos call them so in their jargon, of which I can scarcely understand a word. So I consented, and they sent for the meiga. Och! what a weib is that meiga!