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There was a very inhospitable looking bed, two shake-downs, and four Windsor chairs in more or less state of dilapidation all occupied likewise. A country glass lamp was balanced on a rough shelf, and under it a young man sat absorbed in making notes, and apparently oblivious to the noise around him. Every gentleman in the room was collarless, coatless, tieless, and vestless.

Stephen Brice read the news in the black headlines and laid down the newspaper, a sense of the miraculous upon him. There again was the angled, low-celled room of the country tavern, reeking with food and lamps and perspiration; for a central figure the man of surpassing homeliness, coatless, tieless, and vestless, telling a story in the vernacular.

There was a very inhospitable looking bed, two shake-downs, and four Windsor chairs in more or less state of dilapidation all occupied likewise. A country glass lamp was balanced on a rough shelf, and under it a young man sat absorbed in making notes, and apparently oblivious to the noise around him. Every gentleman in the room was collarless, coatless, tieless, and vestless.

He was coatless, vestless. He wore a gray flannel shirt, corduroys, a big gun swinging low, and top boots reaching to his knees. He was the most stalwart son of Texas I had seen in many a day, but neither his great stature nor his striking face accounted for something I felt a something spiritual, vital, compelling, that drew me. "Mr. Steele, I'm pleased to meet you," said Miss Sampson.

So did a neighboring storekeeper, a tall, lean, grave young man, clean-shaven, coatless and vestless, with a blue-glass stud on his collarless white shirt. Apparently there was no danger of customers walking away with his goods, for he left his store-door open to all comers, not once glancing thitherward in the half-hour he sat with us on a stick of timber, in which he pensively carved his name.

Duane led Bullet up to the porch where Fletcher stood wiping his beard. He was hatless, vestless, and evidently had just enjoyed a morning drink. "Howdy, Dodge," said Fletcher, laconically. Duane replied, and the other man returned the greeting with interest. "Jim, my hoss 's done up. I want to hide him from any chance tourists as might happen to ride up curious-like." "Haw! haw! haw!"

There was a very inhospitable looking bed, two shake-downs, and four Windsor chairs in more or less state of dilapidation all occupied likewise. A country glass lamp was balanced on a rough shelf, and under it a young man sat absorbed in making notes, and apparently oblivious to the noise around him. Every gentleman in the room was collarless, coatless, tieless, and vestless.

In the famous vestless and coatless portrait of himself prefixed to the first "Leaves of Grass" he assumes an attitude and is in a sense a poseur; but the reader comes finally to wonder at the marvelous self-knowledge the picture displays, and how strictly typical it is of the poet's mental and spiritual attitude towards the world, independent, unconventional, audacious, yet inquiring and sympathetic in a wonderful degree.

This is doubtless the meaning of the vestless and coatless portrait of himself prefixed to the first issue of the "Leaves," to which I have referred. This portrait is symbolical of the whole attitude of the poet toward his task.

Stephen Brice read the news in the black headlines and laid down the newspaper, a sense of the miraculous upon him. There again was the angled, low-celled room of the country tavern, reeking with food and lamps and perspiration; for a central figure the man of surpassing homeliness, coatless, tieless, and vestless, telling a story in the vernacular.