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"Vous n'avez pas besoin de me tenir ainsi," I said to the officer; "j irai tranquillement" He loosened his hold and we were then marched off to another military station, in a different part of the town from that whence we had escaped. The man who had arrested me was a sergeant or some officer in petty command.

The plan, to which the former devoted great attention, was to land on the coast of Wales from 1000 to 1200 forçats, to be commanded by a certain Mascheret, of whom Hoche wrote that he was 'le plus mauvais sujet dont on puisse purger la France. In a plan accepted and forwarded by Hoche, it was laid down that the band, on reaching the enemy's country, was, if possible, not to fight, but to pillage; each man was to understand that he was sent to England to steal 100,000f., 'pour ensuite finir sa carrière tranquillement dans l'aisance, and was to be informed that he would receive a formal pardon from the French Government.

Je me promene tranquillement. Je reste encore ici deux nuits pour gagner un peu de force. Je suis toujours tres faible, mais le cerveau va mieux, je n'ai point de surexcitation cerebrale. Je ne dois pas beaucoup ecrire. Ainsi tata, ma bien aimee. "Lundi soir. "Puisque je sais que tu dois etre inquiete je t'ecris une deuxieme fois aujourd'hui pour te dire que je vais beaucoup mieux.

We had yesterday at dinner Dick Vernon and Keith Stewart only, besides Lord Gower's family. I was going home to dine by myself tres sagement et tres tranquillement, dans le dessein de me menager, when Lord G. was so good as to propose my going home with him; and thinking that to be an opportunity of talking more with him upon you and your affairs, as we did, I could not resist it.

Once passing through Lyons, I heard of an English tourist who hired a steam-boat to himself to pass down the Rhone in, hired an hotel to himself, and one evening took the upper part of a theatre to himself, including the boxes, and all to enjoy himself tranquillement, said my French informant. The Women in possession of the Streets.

How often will that poor country regret the splendour of a Court, and that Lit de Justice, sur lequel le Roi et ses sujets avoient coutume de dormir si tranquillement! But when I think of ambition, it is not that of all kinds that I condemn . . . Queensberry. Mme. Piozzi, formerly Mrs.

I have had a letter from Warner; he has seen the Baron, who was charged, I find, with a commission to you. . . . I shall write to you from Lyons; but when I shall hear from you the Lord knows, and I want to hear how the children do. Ma patience et ma perseverance sont inepuisables sur ce qui regarde Mie Mie. Je me croyois tranquillement etabli ici.

"Married this morning, at seven o'clock, le plus tranquillement du monde, before three or four persons. The young couple left Rome an hour afterwards." For some moments this seemed to him really terrible; the dark little drama of which he had caught a glimpse had played itself out. He had believed that Christina would resist; that she had succumbed was a proof that the pressure had been cruel.

Voici, milord, assez de details. Potts has just left me. I am now to bathe three times a week, take opiate going to bed for some nights, and begin a course of bark. I take nothing after my coffee, besides, except Orgeat. I am with the sexagenary of White's, et de cette maniere je passe le temps assez tranquillement. 12 o'clock. Raikes, under his cover.

Nous assiegerons Neisse PRO FORMA: le commandant se rendra et sortira. Nous prendrons les quartiers tranquillement, et ils pourront mener leur Armee oh ils voudront. Que tout cela soit fini en douze jours." That is to say: "'The whole of Lower Silesia, Neisse Town included; Neisse River for boundary: Glatz withal. Beyond the Oder, for the Duchies of Brieg and Oppeln the ancient limits.