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The cook, when she learned that fears were entertained about the Cat staying, said: "Shure, she'd 'tind to thot; wanst a Cat licks her futs, shure she's at home." So she deftly caught the unapproachable royalty in her apron, and committed the horrible sacrilege of greasing the soles of her feet with pot-grease.

Meat is good, but Mense is better. Make not twa mewes of ane daughter. Many maisters, quoth the Poddock to the Harrow, when every tind took her a knock. Meat and Masse, never hindred man. Maistery mowes the Meadows down. March Whisquer was never a good Fisher. Mister makes men of craft. Make no balks of good beerland. Mickle Water runs, where the Miller sleeps.

I know what I 'm a-talkin' about, you miserable third-class idiot, an' if you give me any more of your lip I 'll paste you good an' proper. Go back thar whar you belong, an' tind to your part of this fandango; I'm a runnin' mine."

We had mounted about 2000 feet since leaving the Tind Lake, and the dusky valley yawned far beneath us, its termination invisible, as if leading downward into a lower world. Many hundreds of feet below the edge of the wild little platform on which we stood, thundered the Maan in a cleft, the bottom of which the sun has never beheld.

We were ferried one by one across the Tind Elv, on a weak, loose raft and got our carrioles up a frightful bank on the opposite side by miraculous luck. Fortunately we struck the post-road from Hitterdal at this place; for it would have been impossible to ride over such rocky by-ways as we had left behind us. A white streak was all that was visible in the gloom of the forest.

'Aw wirra wurra, if Tom'd only git a wife now." She wrung her hands and imitated old Granny Teeter's wail to perfection. "'Sure an' he nades a wife to tind to the chickens an' the pigs an' the turkeys the contrary little bastes that'll niver be stayin' at home, at all at all." The young men laughed, and John Coulson looked admiringly at her.

But give a hand to the min, there. The Eyetalians are underneath." Disregarding his suggestion, however, we began working about him, every man throwing away bricks like a machine; but he would not have it. "'Tind to the min!" he insisted with all of his old firmness. "The Eyetalians are under there Matt an' Jimmie. Can't ye see that I'll be all right till ye get thim out?

'Twould be the same was they Dutch pigs or Rooshun pigs. Mike Flannery," he added, "is here to tind to the expriss business and not to hould conversation wid dago pigs in sivinteen languages fer to discover be they Chinese or Tipperary by birth an' nativity." Mr. Morehouse hesitated. He bit his lip and then flung out his arms wildly. "Very well!" he shouted, "you shall hear of this!

Well, to make this very long chapter short, we passed the beautiful falls of the Tind Elv, drove for more than twenty miles over wild piny hills, and then descended to Kongsberg, where Fru Hansen comforted us with a good dinner. The next day we breakfasted in Drammen, and, in baking heat and stifling dust, traversed the civilised country between that city and Christiania.

Neither did he wish her to mingle much with the world, from a latent apprehension that she might tind it a different thing from what he himself represented it to be; and perhaps might learn there the low estimate which it had formed of her future husband.