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'I work doon the pit, he replied, 'an' earns a good wage, but whiles I tires ov it an' longs for a walk up the hedgerows, to hear the partridge call and the pheasant shoutin' as he gans up to roost, an' to say to myself, "Aha, my fine fellow, but thoo'll be i' my bag to-morrow night, an' in my kite the night after that." He paused a moment, then asked suspiciously, 'Thoo'll not blab thoo'll not tell the police?

'Mevvies it kenned she was the Priest's wife, suggested my companion. Then with a grin, 'Noo, as thoo's his nephew thoo gan and see if it will chivvy thoo, and, if it does, Aa'l bet thoo thoo'll run from it faster than thoo's ever run i' your life afore. I turned away with a laugh, saying I was going to look about for the dog's tracks.

Uncle Ted and Aunt Mattie will be our uncle and aunt to all of us just the same, once we're cousins. 'All right, said Justin and Archie, who were longing to begin another scrimmage of some kind. 'All right, said Pat, not quite so heartily, for he was disappointed of his argument with Aunt Mattie. 'All zight, said Hec and Ger Ger adding, 'but thoo'll be Mith Mouse always.

The old woman listened attentively to catch the sound which she longed for more than anything else in the world, but the street noises drowned everything. She sank back in her chair and took up the garment she was at work on. But her mind was busy, and after a few minutes she turned again to her daughter. "Thoo'll not be thinkin' o' havin' a day i' t' coontry this month, Mary?"

So I call my ailment corn-fever, for it cooms wi' t' corn-harvest, and eh, deary me! it catches me i' t' heart. But I'll say nae mair aboot it. Reach me ower yon breeches; I mun get on wi' my wark, and t' button-holes is bad for thy een, lass. Thoo'll be wantin' a bit o' brass for Woodhouse Feast, an' there's noan sae mich o' my Lloyd George money left i' t' stockin' sin thoo went to Blackpool.