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It is an ailment which affects heavy horses and particularly animals that are kept at work on paved streets, but this does not explain its existence in animals that are not subjected to work likely to cause concussion.

"He'll be home in a few days now!" she said in answer to Isabelle's glance. "Some day he will be a great football player." The child colored at the reference to his ailment. "I can walk now," he said, "a little." Dr. Renault was at the other end of the ward sitting beside a girl of twelve, with one arm about her thin back, talking to her. The child's face was stained with half-dried tears.

In the year when I was yet only three, I remember a mangy-headed bonze coming to our house, and saying that he would take me along, and make a nun of me; but my father and mother would, on no account, give their consent. 'As you cannot bear to part from her and to give her up, he then remarked, 'her ailment will, I fear, never, throughout her life, be cured.

Went to consult a doctor one time about some ailment. The doctor abused his position and took advantage of his patient, and when she complained, gave her #4 as compensation. When that was spent, having lost her character, she came on the town. We looked the doctor up, and he fled.

By this time she had reached the conclusion that Barry was to blame for THAT, and that nothing more terrible could happen to him than a severe headache, an ailment to which he was accustomed and which he treated very lightly in excusing himself when she took him to task for his jolly lapses. "All red-blooded fellows take a little too much once in a while," he had said, more than once.

Glancing up at his laden shelves, she said, "I have been noticing your medicines, and how many kinds there seem to be." "For each ailment that is visited upon man, earth offers a cure," he answered. "Life would be a mock could Death, unchallenged, take it." "True. Have you found in the earth, then, the cure for each ailment of man?" "For most, yes.

A sudden and unprecedented emergency had driven him to the "Settlements." His girl had developed an ailment that baffled the skill of the herb doctors; so, following one bit of advice after another, he had finally landed in Baltimore.

And for the first time in her life Honora experienced a twinge of that world-old ailment jealousy. How did Ethel know what was like him? "I made father give him up for a little while after lunch, and he talked about you the whole time.

Olga, with slight confusion, admitted that she had been to see the artist. For some weeks Kite had suffered from an ailment which confined him to the house; he could not walk, and indeed could do nothing but lie and read, or talk of what he would do, when he recovered his health.

He was tall and robust in stature, but all his life suffered from "scald-head"; for a definition of which ailment we may refer the curious to the dictionary. He possessed, for a chieftain and a fighting man, the disadvantage of a voice so hoarse as to be inaudible at a few paces distant. In default of offspring he maintained at his charges five hundred corsairs, whom he called his children.