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Henry the Second, married Adeliza, daughter and heiress of Sir Ralph de Thingumbob, and had issue thirteen stalwart sons and twenty-seven beautiful daughters, each founders of a noble family with a correspondingly varied pedigree.

He had a curious way of forgetting, or pretending to forget, the names of men and things, I presume, because they were so much beneath him; and in their stead, substituted the elegant phrases of "What's-his-name," "What-do-ye-call-'em," and "thingumbob." One day he came on deck, and actually gave me the following very intelligible order.

About nine o'clock the next morning, I was sent for into the cabin; his lordship was still in bed, and the green silk curtains were drawn close round his cot. "Mr Thingamy," said his lordship, "you will take the what's-his-name, you know." "Yes, my lord," said I. "And you will go to that town, and ask for my thingumbob." "For your gig, my lord?" said I. "Yes, that's all."

'If you'd confine yourself to your native tongue, Mr. Parson, your ignorant old father might have some chance of agreeing or disagreeing with you; but as he doesn't even know what the thingumbob you say you've invented may happen to be, he can't profitably continue the discussion of that subject. However, my only fear is that you may perhaps be writing above the heads of the audience.

Mahony paid it, and stalked out of the office. But this was still not all. Once again Grindle ran after him, and pinned him to the floor. "I say, Mr. Mahony, a rare joke gad, it's enough to make you burst your sides! That old thingumbob, the plaintiff, ye know, now what'n earth d'you think 'e's been an' done? Gets outer court like one o'clock 'e'd a sorter rabbit-fancyin' business in 'is backyard.

"Too slight too slight for Francis Bacon, Master Droop." Copernicus thought rapidly for a minute or two. Then he pretended indifference. "Oh, very good!" he said. "I'll take up with Sir Thomas Thingumbob What's-'is-name." Bacon pretended to accept the decision and changed the subject. "Now permit me to approach the theme of my immediate need," he said. "These bailiffs without they must be evaded.

Observe me, society will not be satisfied! Mr Pecksniff coughed. 'Slyme's biographer, sir, whoever he may be, resumed the gentleman, 'must apply to me; or, if I am gone to that what's-his-name from which no thingumbob comes back, he must apply to my executors for leave to search among my papers.

Beale said to her companion: "We'll go to-night to the thingumbob at Earl's Court"; an announcement putting forth its full lustre when she had made known that she referred to the great Exhibition just opened in that quarter, a collection of extraordinary foreign things in tremendous gardens, with illuminations, bands, elephants, switchbacks and side-shows, as well as crowds of people among whom they might possibly see some one they knew.

No doubt whatever that a broadside composed of such ingredients, would be a great desideratum in favour of a victory, especially if the enemy should happen to have none of his own to give in return. So thought his lordship, who walking up to the first lieutenant, said, "Mr Thingamay, don't you think red hot what-do-ye-call-ums should be given in the first broadside to that thingumbob?"

"Just my beastly luck!" he added gratuitously. "It wouldn't've been me if ! How many'd you pot, Davy?" "Only two," said Amber, lowering his weapon, extracting the spent shells, and reloading. "Only two!" The information roused in Quain a demon of sarcasm. Fumbling in his various pockets for a shell-extractor, he grunted his disgust. "Here, lend us your thingumbob; I've lost mine.