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He already had a cellar-door and a chicken coop which did not belong to him, while a "wash" he did not recognize was lodged in his woodpile of jack-pine and ground-cedar in the backyard. The Homeseekers' Excursion arrived at last hours late delayed by the worst dust-storm in months. The committee of prominent citizens met it where the cinder platform had been before it blew off.

On either side of the quaint old house was a butcher's and a baker's, flaunting places of business, raw in their newness. Between the first-named establishment and the bookshop a low, narrow passage led to a small backyard and to a flight of slimy steps, down which clients who did not wish to be seen could arrive at a kind of cellar to transact business with Mr. Norman.

But the English boy only laughed, and turned to follow his adversary. Every man present pressed after him. A well-sustained fight, though an event of no uncommon occurrence, was a form of entertainment that never failed to attract. They crowded out to the back premises in a body, unhindered by any in authority. A dingy backyard behind the house furnished ground for the fray.

And there I sat, on a day like this, listening, pretending, cuddled up tight, and looking out at the first rain of the year falling in the backyard. There was an odour like this about it all. Memory, they say, is largely a matter of nose!"

In fact, at that moment, Burgess, in the boarding-house backyard, was promenading up and down, leering at the Swedish scullion, and enjoying the last expensive cigar that his master was likely to purchase in many a day.

Presently he rides away; and Captain Blaikie, instead of halting and dismissing us in the street as usual, leads us down an alley into the backyard which serves as our apology for a parade-ground. We form close column of platoons, stand at ease, and wait resignedly. Then Captain Blaikie's voice falls upon our ears. "A Company, I have an announcement to make to you. His Majesty the King "

'But he was in the backyard a minute ago. Slimak did not answer, he supported Stasiek's head and stumbled forward. Slimakowa was standing in the passage, shading her eyes and waiting. 'Well, what has he been up to now?... What's this? Has it fallen on Stasiek again? Curse those Swabians and their singing!

And yet, having laid this fuse and having kept it constantly glowing, the grown people expected nothing to happen to Georgie. The catastrophe befell as a consequence of Sam Williams deciding to have a shack in his backyard.

Sophia fled along the passage leading to the shop and took refuge in the cutting-out room, a room which the astonishing architect had devised upon what must have been a backyard of one of the three constituent houses. It was lighted from its roof, and only a wooden partition, eight feet high, separated it from the passage.

There is more gear, more wrought material, in the average American backyard than in the whole domain of an African king. The average American boy has more paraphernalia around him than a whole Eskimo community. The utensils of kitchen, dining room, bedroom, and coal cellar make a list that would have staggered the most luxurious potentate of five hundred years ago.