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He threw down a handful of silver on the table. "Ther's a deerskin jacket yer," said the old man, "that one o' them vaqueros left for the price of a bottle of whiskey." "I reckon it wouldn't suit the stranger," said Flip, dubiously producing a much-worn, slashed, and braided vaquero's jacket.

And thus, in this unenclosed country, where there were great woods, but where hedges were almost non-existent, the men of the land would look up and pass the remark to their mates, with a jerk of the head, "Ther's 'im an' 'is dog; see?" Outside the home circle though, to be sure, a dog is, or should always be considered, a part of the family Murphy's passion was for Dan.

We're goin' to boom into a big concern, an' we're goin' to make our piles clean. An' we got to put up with the wust sort of mischief from this farm. It ain't right. It ain't a square shake by a sight. I sez when ther's Jonahs about they need to be put right out. An' mark you, that gal, an' that farm are Jonahs.

'If a boss wants two men, twenty goes after the job: ther's too many people and not enough work. 'Over-population! cried Owen, 'when there's thousands of acres of uncultivated land in England without a house or human being to be seen. Is over-population the cause of poverty in France? Is over-population the cause of poverty in Ireland?

The demand was prompt and decided. "An-ina scared of devil-men?" Steve smilingly shook his head. "It's only stupid 'Sleeper' men scared of devil-men. Anyway there's no devil-men. Just wolves, and bears, that boy'll hunt and kill when he grows up." "But hers says ther's debble-men," the boy protested, his eyes wide with awe. Steve shook his head. "No," he said firmly. "Uncle Steve knows.

One man has drug a pair o' millstones all the way to here from Ohio. He allowed to get rich startin' a gris'mill out in Oregon. An' then ther's chairs an' tables, an' God knows what " "Well, anyhow," broke in Mrs. Wingate truculently, "no difference what you men say, I ain't going to leave my bureau, nor my table, nor my chairs! I'm going to keep my two churns and my feather bed too.

Then ye'll do best to go dead easy. Fer that crank's comin' right along, an', I 'lows, if I was you I'd as lief lie here and rot, an' feed the gophers wi' my carcass as run up agin him. I tell ye, pard, ther's a cuss hangin' around wher' Nick Westley goes, an' I don't reckon it's like to work itself out easy by a big sight." Jean finished up with profound emphasis.

"Guess you lost that three-year-old 'driver, Doc," he cried, his face alight with malice. "Ther's our man, an' it's Jim Thorpe. I thought I rec'nized him from the first, when he broke cover. This is bully!" But the stern-faced doctor had no answer for him. His eyes were fixed on the man, who now stood calmly waiting for him to approach.

But I don't think ther's anything to worry over fer a week or two." "I thought there couldn't be, because I saw your Rosebud riding down toward the river as I came along. And yet " But Rube broke in upon him vehemently. "Goin' to the river?" he cried. Then his usual slow movements suddenly became electrical. He strode away to the barn, and left Charlie to follow.

The sheriff's comin' right out to that farm, chasin' some feller for murder. Ther's the fact plain fact. He's comin' to that farm which shows that gal is mussed-up with the racket someways. Now I tho't a heap on this thing. An' I'm guessin' this murder must have been done back East. Y' see that gal comes from back East.