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He's goin' to Cove this afternoon, I believe, an'll be here before startin', so I'm towld, so I'm waitin' for him." As he spoke Haco entered, and Dan delivered a letter to him. "Who from?" inquired the skipper sternly. "Mr Stuart, alias the guv'nor," replied Dan with extreme affability; "an' as no answer is required, I'll take my leave with your highness's permission."

And Ardelia and I wuz a sittin' in a good shady place, and Josiah a little distance off, when a man ackosted him, a man with black eyes and black whiskers, and sez, "You look pale, Sir. What water are you a drinkin'?" And Josiah told him that at that time he wuz a drinkin' the water from the Immortal spring. "Drinkin' that water?" sez the man, startin' back horrefied.

When your hoary-headed ole grandfather, or, to speak plainer, that partikler old whiskey-soaker known as Yuba Bill, wot sits on this box," he continued, with a diabolical wink at the Expressman, "waltzes in to pervide for a young couple jest startin' in life, thar's nothin' mean about his style, you bet. He fills the bill every time! Speshul Providences take a back seat when he's around."

Crusoe wagged his tail, as if to say, "Be thankful that you've got him, Dick, my boy, and don't ask questions that you know I can't answer." "He must ha' broke loose and jined the stampede," remarked Joe, coming out of the chief's tent at the moment; "but tie him up, Dick, and come in, for we want to settle about startin' to-morrow or nixt day."

'What round's this comin'? I ask Bill. 'The eighteenth, says he. 'The hell, I says. 'What's come of all the other rounds? The last I was fightin' in was the thirteenth. 'You're a wonder, says Bill. 'You've ben out four rounds, only nobody knows it except me. I've ben tryin' to get you to quit all the time. Just then the gong sounds, an' I can see the Terror startin' for me.

Then turn south, keepin' the water's edge till ye reach the Laver, where you'll find one o' us to show ye the rest of the road.... I must be off now, and I advise ye not to be slow of startin', for wi' this rain the water's risin' quick. It's a mercy it's such coarse weather, for it spoils the veesibility."

"You be gittin' to be a smart young chap, Marty," proclaimed Walky, coming slowly up the steps with a package for Mrs. Day and his book to be signed. The odor of spirits was wafted before him. Walky's face was as round and red as an August full moon. "How-do, Janice," he said. "What d'yeou think of them fule committeemen startin' this yarn abeout Nelson Haley?"

It was a disastrous march, for we were heavily shelled, and lost L/Cpl. Startin and Pte. Norton killed, and three L/Cpls., Ellis, Richardson and Roper, wounded four of these were "No. 1" Lewis Gunners. Once at Red Mill all was well, and for the next two days we had an enjoyable time. The Mill proved to be a large red-brick Chateau, now sadly knocked about, on the banks of the Souchez river.

"I don't know what you mean, Mrs. Startin," said Bugle, who had been busy up-stairs during the scene in the drawing-room, and was rather offended at this irony in a new servant. "I mean the young lady that's to command us all-and well worthy for looks and figure," replied Mrs. Startin in propitiation. "She'll know what key it is."

And she fishes a piece of paper out of a platinum mesh bag. "Think of our needing all that just Harold and me," she goes on. "I should say so," says Vee, startin' to read over the items. "'Sugar, two pounds; tea, two pounds " "Cook leaves the amounts to me," explains Doris; "so I just order two pounds of everything." "Oh!" says Vee, readin' on.