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One of the side lights of the great drama that is being enacted is the sentiment that develops for the Committee of Forty. Memorial societies in the states from which the several committeemen hailed, are formed to give the martyrs, as the forty are now called, a decent burial. Thirty-nine of the martyrs are thus honored by public interment. The one missing committeeman is William Nevins.

In these interesting oases where girl sentiment has made itself felt in school it has generally carried parents, committeemen, the press, and public sentiment before it, and has already made a precious little list of martyrs whom, were I an educational pope, I would promptly canonize.

"This train on which we now are is paid for jointly by the committeemen of Colorado, Utah, and Idaho," he said, "and I have nothing to do with the arrangements. I should not like to attempt interference." Mr.

"Name your price," returned one of the committeemen, a little impatiently. Thus brought up to the point, Smith, after thinking hurriedly for a few moments, said "One thousand dollars an acre." Both the men shook their heads in a very positive way. Smith said that it was the lowest he would take; and so the conference ended.

Alora's father, Jason Jones, who had already signed for fifty thousand dollars, rose and added another twenty-five thousand to that sum. This act elicited another ripple of applause; more questioning looks were exchanged between those assembled, but there were no further offers to subscribe. The hearts of the committeemen fell.

But the big wholesalers, the liquor men's associations, the retailers the whole bunch that's got the real money and is willing to spend it haven't a cent for you they'll even back the Democrat against you! You wanted business talk. There it is." He strode up and down the centre of the room in agitation, and then sat down. The other committeemen sighed with relief.

They know the views of every voter and every voter's wife on public men. They understand whether the people think this man honest and that man a mere pretender. The consensus of judgment of these precinct committeemen indicates with fair accuracy who is the "strongest man" for his party to nominate, and what policies will get the most votes among the people. This is their preliminary work.

But although he was supposed to be in the thick of the fight, he knew that he was not; that some mysterious influence was shutting him out and holding him at arm's length. Everywhere he went the cordial reception, the attentive and hospitable committeemen, the packed house, and the generous applause were always awaiting him.

In an hour the story, with many additions, had spread over Polktown. A fire before a high wind could have traveled no faster. Uncle Jason listened, digested, and made up his mind. Although a moderate man, he thought to some purpose. He was soon satisfied that the four committeemen, having got over their first fright, would do nothing rash.

Noble "D n the Sergeant-at-arms, and the Committee too!" Several Committeemen "Mr. Chairman, this is Contempt!" Mr. Noble "Contempt of whom?" "Of the Committee! Of the Senate of the United States!" Mr. Noble "Then I am become the acknowledged representative of a nation. You know as well as I do that the whole nation hold as much as three-fifths of the United States Senate in entire contempt.