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His lips moved. "Pickled Sammin!" he whispered, "an' vinegar.... Dutch cheese, BEER! A pipe of terbakker." "But 'OW did the people get killed?" asked Teddy presently. "There was the War. The War was the beginning of it. The War banged and flummocked about, but it didn't really KILL many people. But it upset things.

"I don't want no more stone-ballast hove at us 'long o' your callin' Miquelon boats 'footy cochins, same's you did off Le Have." "Harmon Rush he said that was the way to rise 'em. Plain United States is good enough fer me. We're all dretful short on terbakker. Young feller, don't you speak French?" "Oh, yes," said Harvey valiantly; and he bawled: "Hi! Say! Arretez vous! Attendez!

Bean-pole stands up stiff, without no feelin's: don't look at 'er, nor bend over an' kiss 'er, nor nothin'. Mornin' glory don't git skeered, an' she peouts out a lot o' leaves an' tenderls an' begins to kile. Bean-pole takes a chaw o' terbakker an' looks off t'other eend o' the field t' see what the pertater crop 's goin' to be.

"Garn!" said the old man. "I smokes terbakker," and he filled his pipe with shag. Mr. Finn rose from the table. "Will you excuse me, Mr. Savelli, if I leave you? I get up early to attend to my business. I must be at Billingsgate at half-past five to buy my fish. Besides, I have been preventing your talk with our friends. So pray don't go. Good-night, Mr. Savelli."

Ther's that New York chap ez bought up them damaged boxes of plug terbakker for fifty dollars a thousand, and sold 'em for foundations for that new building in Sansome Street at a thousand clear profit. It's all luck, Rosey." The girl's eyes had wandered again to the pages of her book. Perhaps she was already familiar with the text of her father's monologue.