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"How could you, how could you... Oh, you ungrateful man!" "Marie, forgive me, Marie... I only asked you what his name should be. I don't know...." "Ivan, Ivan." She raised her flushed and tear-stained face. "How could you suppose we should call him by another horrible name?" "Marie, calm yourself; oh, what a nervous state you are in!" "That's rude again, putting it down to my nerves.

After a while he turned me round reluctant, and looked very gravely into my tear-stained face.

But this evening her abandonment to her grief convinced him that something more than ordinary was amiss, that some danger more serious than ordinary threatened. He felt no surprise therefore when, a little later, she arrested her sobbing, raised her head, and with suspended breath and tear-stained face listened with that scared intentness which had impressed him before. She feared!

"Hush; she'll hear you." "I can't help it. What does she do it for? Ellen isn't anything to her." Fanny looked at him with a meaning smile and nod which made her tear-stained face fairly grotesque. "What do you mean lookin' that way?" demanded Andrew. "Oh, you wait and see," said Fanny, with meaning, and would say no more.

Why did He leave His words to accident, to ignorance, to malice, and to chance? Why didn't He say something positive, definite, satisfactory, about another world? Why did He not turn the tear-stained hope of immortality to the glad knowledge of another life? Why did he go dumbly to His death, leaving the world to misery and to doubt? Because He was a man.

Jimmie now thrust his dirty, tear-stained little fist down into his very-much-of-a-boy's pocket, and from among marbles and chewing-gum, as well as tobacco, matches, pistol cartridges, and other contraband, he fished out a flimsy bit of grocer's twine and fastened it around the Wolf's neck.

Spike hesitated, but she, quick and light-treading, came down to him and caught his hand and would have kissed that, but he snatched it away and, leaning forward, kissed her tear-stained cheek, and blushed thereafter despite the dark. "Good-by, Arthur!" she whispered, "and thank you and dear Hermy oh, good-by!"

"And perhaps I'll learn to like writing letters, when it's just to please Maxie and comfort him," said Grace, wiping away her tears and trying to smile. "I hope so, darling," her father replied, bestowing another kiss upon the sweet little tear-stained face. "But now, my dears," he added, "put on your hats; it is time to go back to the Dolphin."

I knocked at my mother's door across the hall, and at the sight of that tear-stained face her heart melted, and he was given the last photograph we had, which he wrapped in a banana-leaf, tying it carefully with a ribbon of grass. We left Samoa after Mr. Stevenson's death, staying away for more than a year.

The year 1649 at which we have arrived, brings us to a tear-stained page in the annals of the infant Church of Canada. By a reference to the introductory chapter, it will be seen that this was the date of the massacre of the concerted Hurons and their saintly pastors, by the savage Iroquois.