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Ruth could not allow the occurrence to end without an explanation. She ran to the fence and peered over. "Oh, Mr. Murphy!" she cried. "You're not really hurt?" "For the love av mercy!" ejaculated the cobbler. "Niver tell me that youse was the one that pushed the pig through the fince that har-rd that he kem near flyin' down me t'roat? Ye niver could have done it, Miss Kenway don't be tillin' me.

Sure 'nough, dey did fetch me to dis island and dey did sell me for a slabe," said old Katie. "But hadn't you a tongue in your head? Couldn't you have told the people here that you were free?" demanded Judge Merlin impatiently. "An' sure, didn't I do it? Didn't I pallaber till my t'roat was sore? And didn't poor Jim and Sally pallaber till deir t'roats was sore?

Macco seemed far from satisfied with their appearance. "Me no like dem fellows," he said; "dey cut t'roat eat! eat!" "No fear of that," I observed. "She looks to me like a trading prow, though her men certainly would suit the deck of a pirate." However, we had no choice. It was now perfectly calm, and the prow rowed up to the raft, the men in her making signs to us to come on board.

An' as fer th' tin cup he'd dhrink from a batthered tomaty can or a lady's shlipper, an' rasp th' dhregs from his t'roat wid a cur-rse or a song, as besht fitted th' toime or th' place he was in." The old man began to pour out the liquor: "Say phwin," he cried, "an' Oi've yit to see th' McKim 'twud hurry th' wor-rd."

"Yes, please," said Tom, "and let me sit on a buffet and put my head against your knee. It makes my sore t'roat feel better."

The anger in her daughter's voice startled the mother. "Oui! by gar!" said Perrotte, who had overheard, with quick wrath. "Dat's foolish talk for sure! Dere's no man can spik lak dat to me, or I choke him on his fool t'roat, me." "Right you are, mon pere!" said Annette appeasing her father. "Mother did not think what she was saying." "Dat's no bon," replied Perrotte, refusing to be appeased.

"Yes, but, Katie, you have not yet told us the plot," said Ishmael. "Well, I gwine do it now, right off, Marse Ishmael! Well, you see I kept on watchin' of 'em, till one day, it happened as a poor gal, one o' de housemaids, was found wid her t'roat cut unnerneaf of de castle wall "

"Then you don't want to go without him?" said Uncle Geoff. "Oh, of course not," I replied. "Of course I'd not leave Tom when he's ill, and when it was my fault too. Oh, Uncle Geoff, you don't think he's going to be very ill, do you?" Tom looked up very pathetically. "Don't cry, poor Audrey," he said. "My t'roat isn't so vrezy bad." Uncle Geoff was very kind. "No," he said.

"Mother has often told me what nice kinds there are in Germany;" and we set to work to arrange them on the plates which I ran down to ask Sarah for, with the greatest pleasure. We were so happy that we felt able to be a little sorry for Mrs. Partridge. "I wonder if she's got a sore t'roat," said Tom. "P'raps she's doin' to die," suggested Racey. "She's so vrezy hold."

All right, dat wasn't no fault er mine. An' fur all me, he kin stick dat blazin' iron clear down yer t'roat, an' I'll set yere an' take it in widout winkin'." Mr. Dootleby listened intently to this speech. It afforded him an inkling of the situation. "Is this girl your daughter?" he said. Pete was in no humor to parley. He could only growl and swear.