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"I lofe to look at t'em, monsieur," confessed Pelletan. "Personal acquaintances, perhaps." "Not all of t'em, monsieur; but t'ey haf about t'em t'e flavour off Paris off t'at tear Paris off which I tream each night; t'ey recall t'e tays off my yout'!" "Oh, are you a Parisian? I should never have suspected it. Your accent " "I am off Elsass, monsieur.

"Silence!" blazed the Frenchman. "Now t'at I know who you are, t'at make a so great difference. Where is t'e guard, Wentwort'?" "I hear them," answered the captain, and from the street came the tramp of their marching feet. Feversham turned again to Blake. "T'e affaire 'as 'appen' so," he said, between question and assertion, summing up the situation as he understood it.

"I am not mistaken; you are planning to try the Bacillus upon other women, and you promised that I should be first." "And so you are! I dit not promise t'at you should be t'e only beautiful voman all your life, or ten years, or von year. You haf t'e honour of being first. It is all, and it is enough. You shall be famous by t'at.

I tell you how you find her in finfty-nine minutes vedder permitting, t'at is." The last phrase was fitted to a listening pose, and the first mutter of the pending thunder-storm came out of the northwest. Then Isidore hastened through the practical details of his proposition. Ferry drew a breath of enthusiasm. "Can I have my horse, bridled and saddled, in three minutes?"

I shall gif it. I do not know if t'e human type is t'e highest t'at eart' is capable of supporting, but it is t'e highest present type, and it shall be my vork to gif it t'at for v'ich it has hungered and t'irsted, and towards v'ich slowly it has groped its vay; it shall be my vork to gif humanity beauty and perfection." The light that illumined his yellow, wrinkled face made me cry out:

"But hurry up with your records; it doesn't need science or the newspapers, does it, to tell you that the beautiful Miss Winship cannot go about very freely?" "Ach, no," said he humbly; for he could not look upon my face and hold his anger. "If I haf not alreaty gifen to Mees Veensheep t'e perfect beauty t'at I promised, I cannot conceive greater perfection.

She sat at t'e money-drawer unt grows fat; I wass soon so weak t'at she tid not hesitate to to " The little man's face was bathed in sweat at the memory of that degradation, which his tongue refused to describe. "I endured eet to t'e last moment," he added, thickly. "T'en I fled!" "You seem to have alighted on your feet," remarked Rushford.

"Indeed I'm grateful, whether you believe it or not!" I cried. "You think all women so selfish! Of course I'm glad that I alone am in the secret, but you proposed it yourself, and I rejoice as much as you do that some day by and by other women will be happy as I am happy " "Yes by and by! You emphasize t'at," he snapped mockingly, but then he recovered himself and his queer new deference.

I couldn't tell him proud as I am of it that John had loved me before I ever heard of the Bacillus. But I could punish his gibes. "Oh, by the way I'm not coming to-morrow," I said. "My Aunt is to give a tea." Strange to see him struggle with his disappointment like a grieving child! But he bravely rallied. "T'at is goot," he said, "you shall tell me v'at people t'ink of you.

T'ere Weissmann is right, v'atefer doubters may say. You know t'e t'eory. T'e blacksmit's muscles are not transmitted to his son t'e clerk; but t'e black hair t'at he got from his fat'er. Only after fery many generations of blacksmit's could a boy be born who vould grow up as a clerk vit' blacksmit' muscles. Efolution shapes t'e vorld, yes; but t'e process is so slow, so slow!