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She thrust out a neat, paper-covered parcel which she had held carefully in her capacious lap all through the ceremony. "Miss Janie ma blessed baby!" she whispered. "I is suttenly glad to see dis here day! Heaven is a-smilin' on yo'. And here is one o' ma birfday cakes yo' liked so mighty well. Mammy Rose done make it for her chile de las' she ever will make yo' now yo' is goin' to foreign paths."

He learnt that she was not engaged, and had never been in love, though there were always heaps of admirers "prancing" round. She intended to marry some day, however. Why, suttenly! Just as soon as ever the right man hove along. What was the good of being a woman, if you didn't have your own home, and your own husband and children!

"Dat ain' so fur off!" "A message?" "You sho' guessed it dat time!" he chuckled. "Some-un suttenly do a lot of thinkin' 'bout some-un dat's all I got to say!" "Does he?" she blushed. It pleased her to have this old man tease. It was her only outlet; he was the only one who shared the secrets of their trysts. "He suttenly do! I don' reckon she's been outen his mind but onct dis spring!"

"'Professah, says he, 'did I undahstand yo' all correctly to say that this yeah object in the cage has none of the attributes of the human race? "'Correct! says Merritt, glad of an excuse to delay things. 'He is lower than the beasts of the field. "'Well, he suttenly aint much to look at, says the Southerner, looking him over carefully.

You're the sort of girl who does things pretty thoroughly either way; there's no middle course for you. You're bound to be either blissful or wretched. You've got enough money of your own, so you can afford to choose. Lucky girl! Is it going to be that Captain Guest?" "Suttenly not!" Cornelia rose to her feet, and walked back to the tea- table, very stiff in the back, and pink in the cheeks.

Mammy Kate, own daughter of Nancy Gooch of Coloma, would scold when I came home with torn skirt and a bump on my forehead: "Now, den, look at dat chile! Been hoss-racin' agin su'ah as Moses was in Egypt! I shall suttenly enjine yo' fathah to done gin' yo' plow-hoss to ride so yo's gwi' git beat wiff yo' racin', and quit.

A dignified hall-porter opened the door leisurely, and eyed the thin, poorly-clad figure and pallid face with stern disfavour. "Is Lord Sutcombe at home?" asked Mr. Clendon, quietly, and not without a certain dignity. "His lordship the Marquess is within; suttenly; but " The man hesitated, with unconcealed suspicion.

"'Mebbe he knows dat, mebbe you knows dat; but how does I know dat? yells Fuzzy. 'Dat gun suttenly looks big to me. "About this time the other coon got wise and saw the five hundred vanishing, and the last I saw of Merritt he was trying to break a half-Nelson that the coon had got on him and dodge the rest of the crowd at the same time. I left St.

A vision of his face rose before her, she seemed to see the curl of the lip, the droop of the eyelid with which he would have greeted such an expression. "No! Suttenly not! He is the merest acquaintance. There is not even an ordinary friendship between us. I may very probably never meet him again." "Is that so?" queried Mrs Moffatt, calmly.

"Ef I ain' wuth but a dollar an' a quarter, I suttenly ain' stealin' much!" At this smart reply Uncle Billy's disgust overcame him completely and he tossed the rooster on the ground and clutched Jeems Henry by the arm. "You mighty right, you ain't!" he shouted. "An' ef I was fo' years younger I'd take it outer yo' hide with a carriage whip.