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"Barbara gone away?" I burst out laughing. His disappointment at not being welcomed by Barbara at Northlands was so genuine and so childishly unconcealed. "She'll be back in time for lunch. She had to run up to town on business. She sent you her love and Susie will do the honours." His face brightened. "That's all right. But you gave me a shock. Northlands without Barbara " He shook his head.

To the bishop's unconcealed amazement, Mrs Pendle neither wept nor fainted; she controlled her emotion with a power of will which he had never credited her with possessing, and her first thought was not for herself, but for her companion in misfortune. Placing her hands on either side of the bishop's face, she kissed him fondly, tenderly, pityingly.

"Would you be interested in looking at some photographs of Indian life?" "Made by this young lady?" asked Watkins, looking with unconcealed interest at Diana. "Yes," said Enoch. "And shown and explained by her?" asked the Indian Commissioner, a twinkle in his brown eyes. Diana laughed, and so did Abbott. Enoch's even white teeth flashed for a moment. "I wish I had time to join you," he said.

You can't tell me. We're finished. We're licked to a frazzle. But it'd do my heart good to help string up some of the dirty thieves before I passed out. D'ye know what we are? we old white stock that fought in the wars, an' broke the land, an' made all this? I'll tell you. We're the last of the Mohegans." "He scares me to death, he's so violent," Mary said with unconcealed hostility.

We have visited the Coast many times, at all hours of the night, and beyond the unconcealed license of open caresses we have seen nothing shocking to our moral sense that equaled what we have seen in Broadway, New York, or in some of the most fashionable hotels and restaurants of San Francisco on New Year's Eve.

He was full of glee at the unconcealed uneasiness with which the Spanish officials regarded the presence of the yacht in the harbour; and their evident belief that, despite the strict search of the vessel by the commander and lieutenant of the Tiburon, she carried, hidden away in some cleverly-contrived place of concealment, the contraband of which they had been informed by their spies on the other side of the Atlantic.

He came out from his place of office behind the counter and proffered his hand. It was not, like those of his henchmen, a calloused hand. I had leisure to glance about the faces of the group as this colloquy occurred. They had been stolidly silent, gazing at us with unconcealed curiosity.

The old gentleman was looking at him now in unconcealed alarm. Lizabetha Prokofievna wrung her hands. "Oh, my God!" she cried. She had guessed the state of the case before anyone else. Aglaya rushed quickly up to him, and was just in time to receive him in her arms, and to hear with dread and horror that awful, wild cry as he fell writhing to the ground.

At this, one of the cowled inquisitors stepped forward; but at that moment a door opened and a man entered, clad in rich and costly vestments, his identity unconcealed in any way by cowl or cloak. Roger looked up, and could scarcely credit his senses. Where where had he seen that sinister and evil countenance before?

In silence, for a minute or more, he studied the unconcealed skepticism in his employer's face, and then asked slowly: "Do you know what diamonds are, Mr. Latham?" "There is some theory that they are pure carbon, crystallized." "They are that," declared the expert impatiently. "You know that diamonds have been made?" "Oh, I've read something about it, yes; but what I "