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"And now, my sweet Fancy," pursued the hag, "tell us, if thou canst, what will be done with Alizon, and what course we must pursue to free her from old Demdike?" "At present she is in a state of insensibility," replied a harsh voice, "and she will be kept in that condition till she is conveyed to the summit of Pendle Hill.

Almost every invitation had been accepted, for the receptions at the palace were on a large and liberal scale, particularly as regards eating and drinking. Dr Pendle, in addition to his official salary, possessed a handsome income, and spent it in the lavish style of a Cardinal Wolsey.

According to confessions made later, Elizabeth Device, not yet shut up, but likely to be at any time, called a meeting on Good Friday of all the witches in Pendle forest. They were to come to her home at Malking Tower to plot the delivery of the imprisoned women by the blowing up of Lancaster castle. The affair took the form of a dinner; and beef, bacon, and roasted mutton were served.

'I don't mean that, cried Miss Whichello, laying a finger on her sister's certificate, 'but Jentham as Bosvile married Annie in 1869. 'He married my wife in October 1870, said the bishop, breathlessly. 'Then his second marriage was a false one, said Miss Whichello, 'for in that year, in that month, my sister was still alive. Mrs Pendle was never his wife.

The knowledge of his father's secret, of Jentham's murder and of this stranger's profession mingled confusedly in Gabriel's head, and his heart knocked at his ribs for very fear. 'I met you in London some years ago, he said nervously. 'Yes, Mr Pendle; but then I did not know your name, nor did you know mine. 'How did you recognise me? asked Gabriel.

The accident which hurt his hand also marked his cheek with a scar. 'The right cheek? gasped Dr Pendle, leaning forward. 'Why, yes, said Miss Whichello, rather astonished at the bishop's emotion; 'that was how I recognised him here when he called himself Jentham. He With a cry the bishop sprang to his feet in a state of uncontrollable agitation, shaking and white.

Cargrim examined the blotting-paper, and strained his ears to gather the sense of the mutterings, but in neither case could he gain any clue to the bishop's actual trouble. At length it was on the morning of the second day after the reception Dr Pendle abruptly announced that he was going up to London that very afternoon, and would go alone.

'He was quite well when I saw him last, repeated poor Mrs Pendle over and over again. 'And I never knew him to be ill before. What does it all mean? 'Perhaps papa's visitor brought him bad news, suggested Lucy, who was hovering round her mother with smelling-salts and a fan. Mrs Pendle shook her head in much distress.

Still, this might serve as a peg whereon to hang his inquiries and develop further information, so the chaplain, after meditating over his five-o'clock cup of tea, took his way to the Eastgate, in order to put Gabriel unawares into the witness-box. Yet, for all these doings and suspicions Cargrim had no very good reason, save his own desire to get Dr Pendle under his thumb.

Also, as he wished to come to an understanding with the bishop on the subject of the Heathcroft living, he turned the conversation in that direction by remarking that Mr Leigh was reported as dying. 'So Gabriel informed me, said Dr Pendle, with a nod. 'I am truly sorry to hear it. Mr Leigh has been rector of Heathcroft parish for many years.