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Yet, on the Friday afternoon, when her counsel at last played his masterstroke, and, taking advantage of the then new Act, put the prisoner herself in the witness-box, it was done with the air of a man who is throwing up his case.

And, much taken aback by this unexpected publicity, Thérèse Auvernois followed the usher to the witness-box. "Mademoiselle Thérèse Auvernois, I need hardly ask if you recognise M. Rambert: but do you identify him as the person whose conversation with young Charles Rambert you overheard on that fatal night at the château of Beaulieu?"

Miss Dobbs' only reply was to burst into tears; whereupon Mr. Loram abruptly sat down and abandoned his re-examination. The witness-box vacated by Miss Dobbs was occupied successively by Dr. Norbury, Mr. Hurst, and the cloak-room attendant, none of whom contributed any new facts, but merely corroborated the statements made by Mr. Jellicoe and the housemaid.

To this day, I believe that our hopes would have been justified by the result, had some demon of mischief not put it into the head of Taylor who had the management of the case that it would be a good thing to get Miss Blake into the witness-box. "She will amuse the jury," he said, "and juries have always a kindly feeling for any person who can amuse them."

In the witness-box was the dead man's widow a pathetic figure in heavy mourning, who was telling the Coroner that on the night of her husband's death he went out late in the evening just to take a walk round, as he expressed it. No she had no idea whatever of where he was going, nor if he had any particular object in going out at all.

I had to place myself in that most unpleasant of all positionsthe witness-box of a Parliamentary Committee. I was not long in it, before I began to wish for a hole to creep out at! I could not find words to satisfy either the Committee or myself. I was subjected to the cross-examination of eight or ten barristers, purposely, as far as possible, to bewilder me.

And then there came an eager stir of excitement and of attention throughout the whole court, for the policeman had stepped down out of the witness-box, and one of the women witnesses was being conducted to his place. Mrs.

But I don't think you've anything to worry about I should say that what they want you for is to ask a question or two as to my cousin's movements that night, didn't he call at your house on his way to the Mayor's Parlour? Yes, why that'll be about it!" "I hope so!" said Mrs. Saumarez, with a sigh of relief. "But that witness-box, and before all these people I don't like it."

Needless to say that they did not soothe the feelings of an excited crowd. When Philip, after spending one of the worst half-hours of his life in the witness-box, at length escaped with such shreds of reputation as he had hitherto possessed altogether torn off his back, his greeting from the mob outside the court may fairly be described as a warm one.

The taking of the evidence as to the impediments thrown in the way of trade and commerce by the existing system extended over a month, and it was the 21st of April before the Committee went into the engineering evidence, which was the vital part of the question. On the 25th George Stephenson was called into the witness-box.