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You can't tell me. We're finished. We're licked to a frazzle. But it'd do my heart good to help string up some of the dirty thieves before I passed out. D'ye know what we are? we old white stock that fought in the wars, an' broke the land, an' made all this? I'll tell you. We're the last of the Mohegans." "He scares me to death, he's so violent," Mary said with unconcealed hostility.

Sexton, who still lingered, made a gesture of surrender. "Dismiss your crew, Rondeau," he ordered. "We're whipped to a frazzle." A gleam of pleasure, not unmixed with triumph, lighted the dark eyes of the French-Canadian. "I tol' M'sieur Sexton she cannot fight M'sieur Cardigan and win," he said simply, "Now mebbe he believe that Jules Rondeau know somet'ing." "Shut up," Sexton roared petulantly.

You show me the man 'at says I done any such low-down thing as that, and I'll frazzle a fifty-dollar hawsswhip out on his ornery hide I will, so. Say, boy; you don't certain'y believe that o' me, do ye?" "I don't want to believe it of you, Japhe," quavered Tom, as near to tears as the pride of his eighteen years would sanction. "But somebody saw and told, and made it a heap worse than it was."

I was determined that none but those directly concerned should ever know that I had been held a prisoner or that Miss Ryder had a hand in the night's work; and I wished a thousand times over that I had not known it myself. The old saying, worn to a frazzle with repetition, came to me with new force, and I was sadly alive to the fact that where ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise.

"But suppose they do call, what will you do? It will be very unpleasant." Smith pondered. "True," he said. "True. I think you are right there. My nervous system is so delicately attuned that anything in the shape of a brawl would reduce it to a frazzle. I think that, for this occasion only, we will promote Comrade Maloney to the post of editor.

"Oh, well, come," the other journalist couldn't stand that "it's a bit thick for one of your lot to start talking about truth. The lies you tell daily they have ours beat to a frazzle. Why, you couldn't give a straight account of a bus accident!" "We could not. That is to say, we would not," Henry admitted. "But we lie about points of fact because our principles are true.

Well, she was tailor-made, which means that near a horse she beat other women to a frazzle, but on a parquet floor, covered with dainty, wispy, fox-trotting damsels, she showed up like a double magenta-coloured dahlia in a bed of anemones.

"Mars Dugal' tuk on might'ly 'bout losin' his vimes en his nigger in de same year; en he swo' dat ef he could git holt er dat Yankee he 'd wear 'im ter a frazzle, en den chaw up de frazzle; en he'd done it, too, for Mars Dugal' 'uz a monst'us brash man w'en he once git started. He sot de vimya'd out ober ag'in, but it wuz th'ee er fo' year befo' de vimes got ter b'arin' any scuppernon's.

"And then about sunup next morning this agent is woke up by a pounding on his door. He goes down and here's Pete clawed to a frazzle and whimpering for the law's protection because his squaw has chased him over the reservation all night trying to kill him. She'd near done it, too. They say old Pete was so scared the agent had to soothe him like a mother."

"Now KEEP your word, Frank, and tell us the news!" "Yes, you got us to come to your house tonight under a promise, remember. What wonderful thing has happened to make you look so tickled?" "Talk to me about the Sphinx! Frank has the old relic beaten to a frazzle!" Three boys gathered eagerly around the fourth as they bombarded him after this fashion.