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By the way, do you remember when we visited the last Paris Salon together, how fascinated we were by one picture the head of a monk whose eyes looked out like a veritable illumination from under the folds of a drooping white cowl? ... and on referring to our catalogues we found it described as the portrait of one 'Heliobas, an Eastern mystic, a psychist formerly well known in Paris, but since retired into monastic life?

Zygfried again pulled the cowl over his head, but he recollected something before leaving, and he asked: "Where is van Krist?" "He also was killed," replied one of the servants, "but they were obliged to bury him in Ciechanow because putrefaction set in." "Very well."

And thus Rome was become the place of pilgrimage for all the West. Saxon kings and queens laid down their crowns before St. Peter's threshold, invested themselves with the cowl, and died, healed and happy, under the shadow of the chief Apostle. When the three hundred years were ended, the arm of Pepin made the Pope a sovereign in his own newly-created Rome.

Then he said in a low tone, "Forty years' violets have freshened and faded on her grave; nor one of all of them more fair ne sweet than she." But there was something in his manner which said, "Question me no further." And, curious as Bertram was, he obeyed the tacit request. "And what stood next in thy life, Father?" "This, lad," said the monk, touching his cowl.

They were good specimens of their different countries. The Canadian was a round, fat, jolly, handsome, fair man; the Yankee was tall, slight, and black-eyed, with a cadaverous look, increased by his close-fitting mackintosh and cowl. They did not give us any trouble, and I felt sorry for their lonely life, and the pounds of mud they had to carry with them everywhere. Such mud!

He had apparently regained his strength, for he put on the cowl himself without assistance, then he went out. In a moment he found himself in the courtyard of the castle, where it was already quite dark; he walked slowly upon the cracking snow toward the retinue which was coming through the gate.

The throng poured in with cowl, and cross, and minstrelsy; the lover paused for a moment at the door. I could divine the tumult of his feelings; but he mastered them, and entered. There was a long interval.

After proceeding a few paces, he stopped, and threw back his cowl, and as he did so, his eye encountered the page, whom he surveyed strictly for a moment, then turned slowly away, and disappeared by an aperture through the outer works.

They'll get him anywhere else." He mounted and prepared to ride off. He would have shaken hands with her, but the horse was still terrified at her shrouded figure and veered and snorted when she approached. "However it turns out," he said, "you've done your best, and I'm grateful." The horse moved off and left her standing there, her cowl drawn forward and her hands crossed on her breast.

May I ask whether you were born in this part of the country?" "At Clacton, Miss Ingate," answered Mr. Cowl imperturbably. "I knew it," said Miss Ingate, and the corners of her lips went sardonically down. "Please don't trouble to come downstairs," said Mr. Cowl. "My bag is packed. I have tipped the parlourmaid, and there is just time to catch the train."