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Well, anyway, suh, the ravelin' wolf is gone frum us, an' fur one I ain't 'spectin' him back never no mo'. An' I reckin dat's the main pint wid you an' me both." "The ravelin' whut?" "Dat's whut Aunt Dilsey called him oncet, speechifyin' to me 'bout him the ravelin' wolf. Only he suttinly did look he wuz comin' unraveled mighty fast the last I seen of him."

"Besides," she objected, "you can't do that sort o' thing without a few words, and I've never made a public speech in my life." "You leave the speechifyin' to me," said Cai reassuringly: but it did not reassure her at all. Cai, misinterpreting the frown on her brow, went on to assure her further that he could manage a speech all right; at any rate, he would be able by Whit-Monday.

Seem lak w'en he ain't organizin' or speechifyin' he ain't got nothin' better to do den run round amongst young cullid gals braggin' 'bout the places he's been an' the things he done whilst in 'em." Jeff spoke with an enhanced bitterness. "I see. Then I take it ef he spends so much time in seekin' out female society that he's not a married man?" "So he say so he say!

What we want is to deal right with the manufacturers, an' cut off these white-handed fellers in Rock River who git all we raise. Speechifyin' and picnickin' is all well an' good, but what we want is agents. We want agents f'r machinery, wheat buyers, agents f'r groceries, that's what we want; that's what we're here for; that's what the grange was got together for. Down with the middlemen!"

"'Twa'n't no time at all 'til he was chokin' an' burnin' red with fever, an' his pa and me, stout as we be, couldn't hold him down nor keep him kivered. He was speechifyin' to beat anythin' you ever heard. His pa said he was repeatin' what he'd heard said by every big stump speaker from Greeley to Logan.