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"And be careful of yer speaking, Mas'r George. Young boys, when they comes to your age, is wilful, sometimes it is natur they should be. But real gentlemen, such as I hopes you'll be, never lets fall on words that isn't 'spectful to thar parents. Ye an't 'fended, Mas'r George?" "No, indeed, Uncle Tom; you always did give me good advice."

"Don't say so, master, if you please; dat ox, if you could a smelled him roastin, and de whiskey-punch," and Bacchus snapped his finger, as the only way of concluding the sentence to his own satisfaction. "Take him off, Mark," said Mr. Weston, "the drunken old rascal." "Master," said Bacchus, pushing Mark off, "I don't like de way you speak to me; t'aint 'spectful." "Carry him off," said Mr.

"Well, you have certainly got to have some black clothes right off. It would be dreadful not to have proper mourning for Joshua." Meanwhile Peggy and Polly had fled into the next room. "I sho' mus', ma'am. How could I a-been so 'crastinatin' an' po' Joshua a-dyin' all dese hyer weeks. I am' been 'spectful to his chillern; dat I ain't.

Only " there was a thoughtful pause "that does sound sorter 'dicalous for a baby in a long dress." "Call her Emily Patterson," suggested the doll's namesake. But Anne shook her head. "That wouldn't sound 'spectful," she objected; "and Patterson is your 'Mrs. name." Then her face brightened. "Oh! Her name can be Mrs. Emily Patterson, and I'll call her a pet name.

"'Uncle, said she, 'you mustn't say dat ob dear Miss Lunn, or I must decline de onor to dine wid you. It ain't spectful. Mr Sorrow, my missus ain't de slave ob fashion she sets it, by golly! and she stood up quite dignant.

"These here's our two noo orficers, and you've got to be wery 'spectful when you speaks." "Look here, young man," said Walters, haughtily, "I've been to sea before, and know a thing or two. If you give me any of your cheek I'll report you to the first mate. Come on, Dale." He turned away, and the bluff-looking sailor winked at me solemnly as I followed, and muttered the words, "Oh my!"

"My pappy's name was Steve Hutchins. He b'long to de Hutchins what live down near Silver Creek. He jus' come on Satu'd'y night an' us don' see much of 'im. Us call him 'dat man. Mammy tol' us to be more 'spectful to 'im 'cause he was us daddy, but us aint care nothin' 'bout 'im. He aint never brung us no candy or nothin'. "My mammy was name Lucy Berry.

Tek off de shoon fum yo' feet lak Moses w'en he gwine neah de bunin' bush. Young mars'r en young mistis standin' dar 'spectful. Dey knows dat ef de gret Linkum yere hissef, Linkum's Lawd en Mars'r yere befo' 'im.

'I am very glad to see that you have so high a sense of your duties as a son, Sam, said Mr. Pickwick. 'I always had, sir, replied Mr. Weller. 'That's a very gratifying reflection, Sam, said Mr. Pickwick approvingly. 'Wery, Sir, replied Mr. Weller; 'if ever I wanted anythin' o' my father, I always asked for it in a wery 'spectful and obligin' manner.

The Yankee he don' ax who Anna Isabel was, an' lil' Miss Ann said right stiff, 'She be my turkey she be our Christmas dinner. An' jes' then Anna Isabel stalked straight-er-way befo' dat man Sheridan an' lil' Miss Ann pointed an' says 'There's Anna Isabel! Well, we-all laughed an' I will say this for that Yank, he was powerful 'spectful to us-all.