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"I will break his head upon his shoulthers av he puts hand on me," sez I. "I will give him the lie av he says that I'm dhirty, an' I wud not mind duckin' him in the Artillery troughs if ut was not that I'm thryin' for my shtripes." "Is that all ye will do?" sez another. "Have ye no more spunk than that, ye blood-dhrawn calf?"

"Eigh, we may allowance fo her feaw tempers," observed Susan Worseley; "fo we knoa that ailments an deformities are sure to may folk fretful." "Eigh, there it is," cried Jennet, sharply. "My high shoulthers an sma size are always thrown i' my feace. Boh ey'st grow tall i' time, an get straight eigh straighter than yo, Suky, wi' your broad back an short neck boh if ey dunna, whot matters it?

"'I will break his head upon his shoulthers av he puts hand on me, sez I. 'I will give him the lie av he says that I'm dhirty, an' I wud not mind duckin' him in the Artillery troughs if ut was not that I'm thryin' for my shtripes. "'Is that all ye will do? sez another. 'Have ye no more spunk than that, ye blood-dhrawn calf?

I'd be proud to serve 'Terence, you're a civilian, said Dinah Shadd warningly. 'So I am so I am. Is ut likely I wud forget ut? But he was a gran' bhoy all the same, an' I'm only a mud-tipper wid a hod on my shoulthers. The whiskey's in the heel av your hand, Sorr. Wid your good lave we'll dhrink to the Ould Rig'mint three fingers standin' up! And we drank.

I'd be proud to serve" "Terrence, you're a civilian," said Dinah Shadd, warningly. "So I am so I am. Is ut likely I wud forget ut? But he was a gran' bhoy all the same, an' I'm only a mudtipper wid a hod on my shoulthers. The whiskey's in the heel av your hand, sorr. Wid your good lave we'll dhrink to the Ould Rig'mint three fingers standin' up!" And we drank.

I'd be proud to serve " "Terence, you're a civilian," said Dinah Shadd warningly. "So I am so I am. Is ut likely I wud forget ut? But he was a gran' bhoy all the same, an' I'm only a mudtipper wid a hod on me shoulthers. The whiskey's in the heel av your hand, Sorr. Wid your good lave we'll dhrink to the Ould Rig'mint three fingers standin' up!" And we drank.

"'Yes, I've come back, and ye'll go back to whoever sint ye, with my mark on yer shoulthers, said Matthew, grimly, as, suiting the action to the word, he drew a stout stick from his sleeping-place, and brought it down with emphasis upon the head and shoulders of the priest's brother, who, though ordinarily considered 'as good a man' as there was in the parish, could scarcely persuade himself that he was not the victim of a terrible dream.

'The Staff Orf'cer wint blue, an' Toomey makes him pink by changin' to the voice av a minowderin' woman an' sayin': "Come an' kiss me, Major dear, for me husband's at the wars an' I'm all alone at the Depot." 'The Staff Orf'cer wint away, an' I cud see Crook's shoulthers shakin'. 'His Corp'ril checks Toomey. "Lave me alone," sez Toomey, widout a wink.

"The Staff Orf'cer wint blue, an' Toomey makes him pink by changin' to the voice av a minowderin' woman an' sayin': 'Come an' kiss me, Major dear, for me husband's at the wars an' I'm all alone at the Depot. "The Staff Orf'cer wint away, an' I cud see Crook's shoulthers shakin'. "His Corp'ril checks Toomey. 'Lave me alone, sez Toomey, widout a wink.