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Democritus, Pythagoras, Bacon. State the relation between them. In what terms must the objective world ultimately be stated? Why? Experience is the result of time and space being included in the nature of mind. Discuss this. Nihil est in intellectu quod non prius fuerit in sensibus. Whose doctrine? Discuss it. What is the inherent limitation in all ancient philosophy? Who first removed it?

And from that to his orisons, and then to his tools with a little bit of courage, and this was his day's work: Veni, Creator Spiritus, Mentes tuorem visita, Imple superna gratia Quae tu creasti pectora Accende lumen sensibus, Mentes tuorum visita, Infirma nostri corporis, Virtute firmans perpeti.

Whatever I undertake, I owe a sacrifice to the Graces, as Plutarch says of some one, to conciliate their favour: "Si quid enim placet, Si quid dulce horninum sensibus influit, Debentur lepidis omnia Gratiis."

He wrote a work entitled Philosophia sensibus demonstrata, in which he defended the ideas of Telesio, who explained the laws of nature as founded upon two principles, the heat of the sun and the coldness of the earth. He declared that all our knowledge was derived from sensation, and that all parts of the earth were endowed with feeling.

Meticulosum genus hominum, & garritu Sermonem exprimens, adeo ut tam Simiæ propinqui, quam Statura ac sensibus ab justæ Proceritatis homine remoti videantur.

Audaciter is of importance as showing that c before i must have been pronounced just like c in any other position, not as in modern Italian. CERTIS SENSIBUS: Acad. 2, 19 integris incorruptisque sensibus. IPSA ... QUAE: see n. on 26. COAGMENTAVIT: Cic. is fond of such metaphors; cf. CONGLUTINAVIT: a still more favorite metaphor than coagmentare. IAM: 'further', so below.

This recommendation, as he well knew, was equivalent to a command. In the prologue he expresses his sense of the affront with great manliness and force of language. We quote some lines from it, as a specimen of the best plebeian Latin; "Necessitas, cuius cursus, transversi impetum Voluerunt multi effugere, pauci potuerunt, Quo me detrusit paene extremis sensibus?

The heathenish priests laboured, per varietatem ceremoniarum, rem in precio retinere. The use for which Papists appoint their ceremonies, is, ut externam quandam majestatem sensibus objiciant; and so are the ceremonies urged upon us, though to conciliate reverence and due regard to divine worship, and to stir up devotion.