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And while these words were being uttered, George delighted his eyes with the vision of Cornelia, who sat at a small table with some needlework in her hand. Arenta's tatting was over her foot, and she had to remove it in order to rise and meet Hyde. Rem sat idly fingering a pack of playing cards and talking to Cornelia.

But your Majesty's will can control the severity of this and every other law, and it is in your power, on consideration of his case, to grant the rash young man a free pardon." "Rem acu tetigisti, Carole, mi puerule," answered the king; "and know, my lords, that we have, by a shrewd device and gift of our own, already sounded the very depth of this Lord Glenvarloch's disposition.

Durance to you in support of your purer form, as we hold it to be with the candles, the vestments, Confession, alas! he called it, "Rome and a wife." Mr. Stuart Rem nodded an enforced assent: he testily dismissed mention of Mr. Durance, and resumed on Mr. Posterley. The good ladies now, with some of their curiosity appeased, considerately signified to him, that a young maiden was present.

"Rem a cue tetigit." "Go to the head of the class, Josselyn," said the venerable patriarch. The successful Inmate did as he was told, but in a very rough way, pushing against two or three of the Class. "How is this?" said the Patriarch. "You told me to go up jostlin'," he replied. The old gentlemen who had been shoved about enjoyed the pun too much to be angry.

Suddenly, however, Hyde felt the danger and stress of this uncertainty and the fear of losing what he appeared to hold so lightly. "I may have to go away with mother at any time I may be detained by events I cannot help and I have not bound Cornelia to me by any personal recognized tie and Rem Van Ariens will be ever near her. Oh, indeed, this state of affairs will never do!

"Hanc rem aegre tulit Phoebe," as my old friend Livy would say. "Oh dear! oh dear! if he strays so far from us, he will be eaten up at nightfall by jackals, or lions, or something. One of you must go after him." "Me go, missy," said Ucatella zealously, pleased with an excuse for stretching her magnificent limbs. "Ay, but mayhap he will not come back with YOU: will he, Dick?"

PATIENTIA: 'endurance', 'persistence'; it is not equivalent to our 'patience'. PRAECLARE: sc. dicit; cf. n. on 3. FAMILIARIS: see Introd. Att. 2, 19, 2; Ovid, Fast. 2, 241; Verg. Aen. 6, 846; Suet. Tib. 21. CUNCTANDO: Cf. Polybius 3, 105, 8. On Fabius' military policy consult Mommsen, Hist. of Rome, Bk. III. ch. 5. REM: here = rem publicam.

Carvilio collega quiescente, C. Flaminio tribuno plebis, quoad potuit, restitit agrum Picentem et Gallicum viritim contra senatus auctoritatem dividenti, augurque cum esset, dicere ausus est optimis auspiciis ea geri, quae pro rei publicae salute gererentur; quae contra rem publicam ferrentur, contra auspicia ferri. 12 Multa in eo viro praeclara cognovi, sed nihil admirabilius quam quo modo ille mortem fili tulit, clari viri et consularis.

Dudley Sowerby to their house, and make appointments to meet Mr. Dudley Sowerby under a roof that sheltered a young lady, evidently the allurement to the scion of aristocracy; of whose family Mr. Stuart Rem had spoken in the very kindling hushed tones, proper to the union of a sacerdotal and an English citizen's veneration. How would it end? And if some day this excellent Mr.

But why have not those, who in later times have established the distinction between jus in re and jus ad rem, applied it to the principle of property itself? Let me call the attention of the writers on jurisprudence to their own maxims. The right of property, provided it can have a cause, can have but one Dominium non potest nisi ex una causa contingere.