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Heah's plenty o' cawn pone, hom'ny, bacon an' taters, I reckon; 'sides cawn an' oats an' stable room fur yer nag. All we ax is thet you nevah say board to us agin. But, ef you like," he added kindly, "you kin holp Henry an' Cissy some o' nights in ther books, an' mek a hand to wuck roads, one Sat'dy in each month tell snow comes."

"You win," chuckled Hippy, and the Overland girls laughed merrily. "I'm going now. Maw said as I'd better come down and look you-all over, cause Paw'll want ter know 'bout you-all. Say! Goin' to the dance?" "When?" questioned Emma, her interest instantly aroused. "Sat'dy night to the schoolhouse over in the holler yonder. Mebby you-all kin help we uns to pay the band." "What?

I didn't know what was up, but when me and the wife went into Hamilton Sat'dy night in our flivver we seen one of the extries and read about how the poor lady was murdered. But that ain't what I was gittin' at, sir " "Well, what are you getting at?" Sanderson urged.

Let me see, this is Sat'dy I'll come next Sat'dy night." Clay's face flushed. Never before had he made a hundred dollars in a week. "I'll go at once." "To-morrow at daylight?" asked Jud, rising. Clay looked at him curiously. There was something in the tone of the man that struck him as peculiar, but Jud went on in an easy way. "You see we must have it quick.

"I gwine ter de 'kingdum, honey, an' de Lord knows hit's time; I ben hyear long ernuff; but hit's 'bout time fur me ter be er startin' now, caze las' Sat'dy wuz er week gone I wuz er stretchin' my ole legs in de fiel', an' er rabbit run right ercross de road foreninst me, an' I knowed it wuz er sho' sign uv er death; an' den, night fo' las', de scritch-owls wuz er talkin' ter one ernudder right close ter my do', an' I knowed de time wuz come fur de ole nigger ter take dat trip; so, ef'n yer wants him ter 'struck yer, yer'd better be er ten'in' ter it, caze wen de Lord sen's fur 'im he's er gwine."

So I was kinder surprised Sat'dy mornin', when I went to stoke up the laundry heater, to find somebody'd been meddlin' with my drafts and had let the fire go clean out. I had to clean out the ashes and build a new fire " "You're trying to say, I suppose, that you could tell by the ashes that someone had been burning papers in the laundry heater?"

"Excuse me, sir," he turned to the district attorney, "but this is the first time I've seen this man." "No, sir, I didn't stoke it Sat'dy night," Rawlins answered uneasily.

Mos' of de cullud mens go back to where dey was raised. "Dat was afte' freedom, but my daddy say dat de niggers earn money on Old Boss' place even durin' slav'ry. He give 'em every other Sat'dy fer deyse'ves. Dey cut cordwood fer Boss, wimmens an' all. Mos' of de mens cut two cords a day an' de wimmens one. Boss paid 'em a dollar a cord.

Monday mornin' break er day, W'ite folks got me gwine, But Sat'dy night, w'en de sun goes down, Dat yaller gal's in my mine. Fifteen poun' er meat a week, W'isky for ter sell, Oh, how can a young man stay at home, Dem gals dey look so well? Met a 'possum in de road Bre' 'Possum, whar you gwine? I thank my stars, I bless my life, I'm a huntin' for de muscadine.