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First promise to King Corny, to settle in the Black Islands; a gratuitous promise, signifying nothing read Burlamaqui: second promise to Mademoiselle, to go and live with her at Paris; with her on the face of it absurd! a promise extorted too under fear of my life, of immediate peril of being talked to death see Vatel on extorted promises void: third promise to my angel, Dora, to live wherever she pleases; but that's a lover's promise, made to be broken see Love's Calendar, or, if you prefer the bookmen's authority, I don't doubt that, under the head of promises made when a man is not in his right senses, some of those learned fellows in wigs would bring me off sain et sauf: but now for my fourth promise I am a man of honour when I make a promise intending to keep it, no man so scrupulous; all promises made to myself come under this head; and I have promised myself to live, and make my wife live, wherever I please, or not to live with her at all.

Sain was flayed alive, according to the inhuman practice of his country; and the separate and rigorous confinement of the ambassadors violated the law of nations, and the faith of an express stipulation.

It came from a thick clump of undergrowth to the left of our night's lodging, not sixty yards away, and in the half-light of the morning had something of the eerie about it. John Splendid crossed himself ere he had mind of his present creed, and "God sain us!" he whispered; "have we here banshee or warlock!"

On Hallow-Mass Eve, ere ye boune ye to rest, Ever beware that your couch be blessed; Sign it with cross, and sain it with bead, Sing the Ave, and say the Creed. For on Hallow-Mass Eve the Night-Hag will ride, And all her nine-fold sweeping on by her side, Whether the wind sing lowly or loud, Sailing through moonshine or swathed in the cloud. The Lady she sat in St.

Loyer affirms that "the King of Sain, on the least pretence, sells his subjects for European goods. He is so tyrannically severe, that he makes a whole village responsible for the fault of one inhabitant; and on the least offence sells them all for slaves."

"Ay," replied Andrew; "but he left it yestreen, to gang to Greystock, or some o' thae west-country haulds. There's an unco stir among them a' e'enow. They are as busy as my bees are God sain them! that I suld even the puir things to the like o' papists. Ye see this is the second swarm, and whiles they will swarm off in the afternoon. The first swarm set off sune in the morning.

'Let me go back, you false villain! sobbed the boy, with the first use of his recovered breath. 'Do not be so daft, Lord Malcolm, replied the Squire, retaining his hold on the boy's bridle; 'what, rin your head into the wolf's mouth again, when we've barely brought you off haill and sain? 'Haill and sain? Dastard and forlorn, cried Malcolm, with passionate weeping.

Mary not the barley scones, which "the departed saint, God sain her! used to say were so good" not the ale, nor any other cates which poor Elspeth's stores afforded, could prevail on the Sub-Prior to break his fast.

Also, landlord, have a chaise at the door, with a good pair of horses. I must start for Banff within half an hour," said the traveller. "Save us and sain us! Your grace, also! A' the warld seem ganging to Banff!" cried honest Donald Duncan. "I am summoned there as a witness on the trial, landlord." "Ay, to be sure. Sae your grace maun be.

And he conquered the Island from Beli the son of Manogan, and his sons, and drove them to the sea, and went forward even unto Arvon. And the emperor knew the land when he saw it. And when he beheld the castle of Aber Sain, "Look yonder," said he, "there is the castle wherein I saw the damsel whom I best love."