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* "Que me sangre sea la ultima que se derrame en sacrificio a la patria; y si fuese necessario algunos de sus hijos, sea para el bien de la nacion, y nunca en traicion de ella." Other versions of his last words have been given, but that given above seems the most authentic, not only from intrinsic probability, but from the fact that it was given, shortly after the execution, by the Mexican Dr.

I shall discuss these matters at greater length when I treat of women and the management of their property. Dio, 54, 16. Pomponius in Dig., 23, 2, 4. Gaius, i, 113. Ulpian, Tit., ix, 1: Farreo convenit uxor in manum certis verbis et testibus X praesentibus et sollemni sacrificio facto, in quo panis quoque farreus adhibetur. Cf. Gaius, i, 112. Aulus Gellius, iii, 2, 12. Gaius, i, 111.

'Irundo ab aer dicitur: quia non residens sed in aere capiens cibos edat, quasi in aere edens. There is simplicity in the following: 'Nix a nubes, quia a nube venit. Again: 'Ouis ab offero vel obluo: quia antiquitus in inicio non tauri sed oues in sacrificio mactarentur.

The composer's hitherto brilliant career was doomed to a gloomy close. On returning to Naples, at the Emperor Leopold's death, Cimarosa produced several of his finest works, among which musical students place first: "Il Matrimonio per Susurro," "La Penelope," "L'Olimpiade," "II Sacrificio d'Abramo," "Gli Amanti Comici," and "Gli Orazi."

The older form of Anarchism is marked by that lofty idealism which was the general mental attitude of civilised Western Europe in the first half of this century. The modern Anarchism of Bakunin, Netschajew, Kropotkin, and others, is branded by the semi-civilised culture of Russia, whose only object is the destruction of every existing state of things, and indeed under existing circumstances it cannot be otherwise. Dislike of, and discontent with real or fancied grievances, combined with a stiff-necked, doctrinaire attitude unprepared for any sacrificio del intelletto, may indeed lead the children of Western civilisation to a logical denial of the existing order of society. But from this to the actual overthrow of all existing conditions is a still farther step; and the positive intention of annihilating the infinite mental and material inheritance which is the outcome of civilisation, and which is not even denied by Anarchists themselves, could only be conceived by a few degenerate individuals who could only wish to see themselves vis-

I was to lie there on the watch, ready to attack privateers if the Mexican Government should resort to that form of warfare the fleetness of the Creole fitting her specially for such service. Meanwhile my visit was very pleasant to me, after the horrors of Sacrificio and the yellow fever.

There is a lovely parallel to Catherine's prayer in the Paternoster of Dante's blessed souls in Purgatory: "Come del suo voler gli angeli tuoi Fan sacrificio a te, cantando osanna, Cosi facciano gli uomini de' suoi."

La política ha dejado de ser lo que debía, se ha hecho demasiado masculina, se ha vuelto brutal, egoísta, personalísima, porque le ha faltado la bondad, la abnegación, el altruísmo y el espíritu de sacrificio, que son cualidades características del ser femenino. ¿Por qué no sacar ventajas de las energías de la mujer, de sus impulsos y modos de ver las cosas para mejorar nuestras prácticas y nuestros procedimientos en la vida pública? ¡Quién sabe si la política se sanea y se purifica un poco con la presencia y la intervención de la mujer, de la misma manera que la presencia de ésta en una reunión cohibe en cierto modo la licencia de las palabras y de la acción de los hombres!

For, as Proclus saith, Libro de Sacrificio et Magia, it is because the presence of the virtue of the sun, which is the organ and promptuary of all terrestrial and sidereal light, doth more symbolize and agree with a white cock, as well in regard of that colour, as of his property and specifical quality, than with a lion.

Under his successors and before the death of Alexander de' Medici in 1537, the violinists Pietro Caldara and Antonio Mazzini were often the objects of veritable ovations, and about the same time, 1536, at Venice, was played a piece called 'Il Sacrificio, in which violins sustained the principal parts." "Les Origines de l'Opera et le Ballet de la Reine," par Ludovic Celler.