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Blease and I took in on the gallop back toward the ditches, but we were too late. They'd jumped it already, a whole army of 'em, and real hard hombres. Shoot?" He held out his perforated sun helmet. "I pushed that up on the stick for an experiment, and the guy that drilled it was two hundred yards away." "It was my fault," said Payne. "Garman was too smart for me.

"Oh, we're ridin' 'way from Texas, and the Rio, Comin' to a town with a mighty scary name, Shall we turn and vamos pronto for the Rio, Or show some hombres how to make a wild town tame?" Kid Wolf, who appeared to be asking Blizzard the rather poetical question, eyed the gruesome monument with a half smile.

You are their chief. It is your business to do what you can to keep their stomachs full and their backs warm. You don't ask why or the end." The Indian rolled another cigarette. He was like a fine dim cameo in the starlight. "I sabez!" he said at last. "Blood of man, it no belong to self but to tribe. So with Injuns. So with some whites. Not so with hombres."

Better make it 'fore them fast-shootin' hombres back theah come a-takin' you." Though they did not move in the same reckless fashion as their guide, somehow they got across the pond and emerged dripping on the other side. The determination which had made Croxton try the escape, seemed to fade as they rode on. He continued to hold to the horn, but he slumped further over in a bundle of misery.

"'Si, senor, several other voices answered in tones of awed alacrity. "Then the stifled voice said: 'Like this. I must be free to breathe. "Then there was a concerned noise of many men together. 'Help him up, hombres. Steady! Under the other arm. "That deadened voice ordered: 'Bueno! Stand away from me, men.

"I know these here hombres, to my sorrer, too, now I'm tellin' yuh!" But Luck, feeling that his leadership might as well be established then as any time, pushed the old man back. "What you want?" he demanded of the foremost who rode up. "Didn't you hear me tell you to keep out around the cattle?" "Adonde va V con mi vaca?" snapped the first rider in high-keyed Spanish.

A white-faced boy had mounted a chair and was shouting hysterically: "Where's the Boss? The hombres have shot my father!" "It's Dad Robins' boy! Why, the old man was here a bit ago!" cried someone. The monk pulled off his mask and flung his robe in the corner. "Oscar," he said to the hobo, who had unmasked, "see to Mrs. Penelope."

She put her head out and said in a voice hoarse with excitement and good-fellowship, "Adios, hombres!" With us, I say, for we, too, were leaving Granada in rain which was snow on the Sierra and so cold that we might well have seemed leaving Greenland.

"Good thing those hombres are afoot. We'll get on a little farther and then we'll fix a hackamore so you can do your own riding," "I can't stand it to ride any farther " "Are you shot?" Dade pulled in a little and looked anxiously into his face. "It's the rope. They tied it so tight it's torture.

"Suma-theek and the Big Boss say for you to call in all the other Indians and come help them at the little power house. The whites are trying to lynch the hombres." The Indian peered down into her face and grunted as he recognized her. Then he suddenly stood in his stirrups and raised the fearful cry that had emptied the moving picture hall. "Ke-theek! Ke-theek! Ke-theek! To me!