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Behind him stood the Prince of Anhault Dessau, old Zeithen, General Vinterfeldt, and the adjutant-generals. Above them floated a magnificent banner, whose motto, "Pro gloria et patria," was woven in gold.

In retrospect it is clear that more was requisite for the realisation of the vision of the wished-for nation, than imperial investiture of a crowned monarch with sovereignty over a group of lands. A modern writer has pointed out how infinitely subtle is the vital principle of a nation, one not even to be created by common interests. A Zollverein is no patria.

I told him of the trouble I had in finding him, and I could not help dragging in something about Heine's search for Borne, when he went to see him in Frankfort; but I felt at once this was a false start, for Lowell was such an impassioned lover of Cambridge, which was truly his patria, in the Italian sense, that it must have hurt him to be unknown to any one in it; he said, a little dryly, that he should not have thought I would have so much difficulty; but he added, forgivingly, that this was not his own house, which he was out of for the time.

"Madam," said their guest, "ladies do not always understand Latin, but a certain Roman poet called Horace once said, `Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori'. Let me modify it by saying, `to offer in time of need to die for your country. It does not follow that a man who fights for his home and liberty dies. Good lad. Be a soldier." "I will, sir," said Fred, firmly. "Father didn't die, mother."

Enjolras did not appear to be listening, but had any one been near him, that person would have heard him mutter in a low voice: "Patria." Bossuet was still laughing when Courfeyrac exclaimed: "News!" And assuming the tone of an usher making an announcement, he added: "My name is Eight-Pounder." In fact, a new personage had entered on the scene. This was a second piece of ordnance.

Padrone, do not think that you can conceal from me the truth, that you love your child better than all things in the world, now the Patria is as dead to you as the dust of your fathers, and your heart-strings would crack with the effort to tear her from them, and consign her to a convent. Padrone, never again to hear her voice, never again to see her face!

In private life, I have relaxed into all the delightful enjoyments of domestic happiness, where I have very seldom suffered politics and her boisterous train to interfere with my rural felicity; but whenever I have come before the public, I have always, with an inflexible resolution, cast all selfish considerations behind me, and given a loose to that "amor patria" with which my bosom ever glows, when I am in the presence of my fellow-countrymen.

"If you want a success," said Nathan, "instead of screaming, 'He is saved! like a Fury, walk on quite quietly, go to the staircase, and say, 'He is saved, in a chest voice, like Pasta's 'O patria, in Tancreda. There, go along!" and he pushed her towards the stage. "It is too late," said Vernou, "the effect has hung fire." "What did she do? the house is applauding like mad," asked Lousteau.

With some variation of details at different periods, the same system prevailed essentially at Rome, down to the time when Rome became Christian. At one time the husband was held to possess the patria potestas, or paternal power, in its full force. By law "the woman passed in manum viri, that is, she became the daughter of her husband."

In its beginning it summons this same man out of the corner and asks him to rely upon himself for the great and the small things of life, thus ultimately developing that sturdy citizen who knows the value of the axiom, "Ubi bene, ibi patria." The great deeds, the great dreams become possible for nation or for individual only through the constant performance of small deeds.