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At length I said, 'I will tell him the truth that the deed was not done by Ross-Ellison and perhaps he will understand, and come'. Mike John Robin Ross-Ellison did not murder Mrs. Dearman. "Your distracted and broken-hearted ex-friend, "He was 'queer' at times," said Captain Michael Malet-Marsac. "There was a kink somewhere.

No man to ride his own horse and none of these bally numbers to prevent the Judges from thinking a General's horse belongs to a common man, and from getting the notion that a subaltern's horse belongs to a General." "Yes" mused Mr. Ross-Ellison, "and another thing. If you want to get a horse a win or a place in the Ladies' Hack class get a pretty girl to ride it.

Wherever he went on foot, especially when he slipped out of the Prison for dangerous spy-work among the forces of the mutineers, rebels, rioters and budmashes of the city, he was followed by his servant, an African, concerning whom Colonel Ross-Ellison had advised the servants of the Officers' Mess to be careful and also to bear in mind that he was not a Hubshi.

"I'll have no useless male mouths here," had said Colonel Ross-Ellison. "Enroll or clear out and take your chance. I'll look after your wife." "But, my dear Sir...." "'Sir' without the 'my dear, please." "I was about to say that I could ah assist, advise, sit upon your councils, give you the benefit of my er experience, ..." the Publicist had expostulated. "Experience of war?" "No er I "

The last outpost which Colonel Ross-Ellison withdrew was the one from the railway-station, and that was maintained until it was known that large bridges had been blown up on either side and the railway rendered useless.

Only novelty was a splendid Pathan chap, got-up in English except for the conical cap and puggri. Extraordinarily like Ross-Ellison, except that he had long black Pathan hair on his shoulders. Been to England; barrister probably, and seemed the most viciously seditious of the lot.

If I might be allowed I'd quote unto you the words which a pretty American girl once used when I asked if I might kiss her 'Wade right in, Bub!" "'Fraid I can't 'wade in' till seven o'clock er Ross-Ellison," answered the horribly embarrassed Major Ranald. "It won't be long." "Right O, I was only thinking of your convenience.

How thin a veneer was this thing called Civilization, and how unchanged was human nature after centuries and centuries of Colonel Ross-Ellison appeared. "Bring twenty-five men and follow me. Hurry up," he said quietly, and, a minute later, led the way from the high-road across country.

Augustus Clarence Percy Marmaduke Grobble to lend his countenance, as well as the rest of his person, to the European Company of the Gungapur Fusilier Volunteer Corps which it was the earnest ambition of Ross-Ellison to raise and train and consolidate into a real and genuine defence organization, with a maxim-gun, a motor-cycle and car section, and a mounted troop, and with, above all, a living and sturdy esprit-de-corps.

Should you desire to attend the execution you could accompany the new City Magistrate, Wellson, who will doubtless be agreeable. "Yours sincerely, "A. RANALD, Major I.M.S." The accompaniment was from John Robin Ross-Ellison Mir Ilderim Dost Mahommed Mir Hafiz Ullah Khan. "For the credit of the British I am pretending to be a Baluchi.