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"We have settled to build a new home for ourselves in Sussex, and part of this furniture my part will go down there presently." She looked at Miss Avery intently, trying to understand the kink in her brain. Here was no maundering old woman. Her wrinkles were shrewd and humorous. She looked capable of scathing wit and also of high but unostentatious nobility.

Yet he knew some strange "kink" in his nature would compel him to do the same thing again under like circumstances. Stanton, at his best, was an ideal leader of men. Many a forlorn hope he had led and brought to success through sheer self-confidence and belief in his star.

Now, let us go a little further. Might not certain vices have the same relation to character that the rigidity of a fixed idea has to intellect? Whether as a moral kink or a crooked twist given to the will, vice has often the appearance of a curvature of the soul.

"Yes," said Mr. Lenox. "And now for item two. The horse. How would you go to work to get a horse, Kink?" "Well," said Kink, "that's a little out of my way. A horse radish, yes; but not a horse." Everyone laughed: the old man expected it. "Then," said Mr. Lenox, with a mock sigh, "I suppose the horse will have to be found by me. We don't want to buy one only to hire it."

"Sure, an' what's more, all Forty Mile, exceptin' me an' a few cripples." "And drunks," added Kink Mitchell. "No-sir-ee!" the old man shouted emphatically. "I bet you the drinks Honkins ain't in on it!" Hootchinoo Bill cried with certitude. Ol' Jim's face lighted up. "I takes you, Bill, an' you loses." "However did that ol' soak budge out of Forty Mile?" Mitchell demanded.

Up to that time he had scarcely given his tail a thought. So long as it followed him wherever he went he had been satisfied with it. From that moment Grunty began to think a great deal about his tail. He was always turning his head to look at it, to make sure it hadn't lost any of its kink.

Afder dot I learn to be a carpenter. Now I am a kink, mit a castle all mine own, I am no more a vage slafe." He laughed at his own conceit, a great, roaring bellow that filled the room. "You're on the right track," Bill nodded. "It's a pity more people don't take the same notion. What do you think of this country, anyway?" "It iss goot," Lauer answered briefly, and with unhesitating certainty.

I hail from the wild and woolly West, where life itself is a poem; so I stick to prose. There is a queer sort of kink in human nature to account for that." "On the principle that a Londoner never hears the roar of London, I suppose?" "Exactly. An old lady I know once came across a remarkable instance of it.

Kinks came up in great quantities, about thirty in the hour. To have a true conception of a kink, you must see one: it is a loop drawn tight, all the wires get twisted and the gutta- percha inside pushed out. These much diminish the value of the cable, as they must all be cut out, the gutta-percha made good, and the cable spliced.

Look at your shoulders above your ears, and your back with a bow like a kink in a cable. Your trowsers, sir, you have pulled your legs too far through, showing a foot and a half of worsted stockings. In short, look at yourself altogether, and then tell me, provided you be an officer, whether, from respect to the service, it would not be my duty to contradict it.