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It is owing to the wonderful elasticity of the sweat-secreting mechanism, and to the increase in respiratory activity, and the consequent increase in the amount of watery vapor given off by the lungs, that men are able to endure for days an atmosphere warmer than the blood, and even for a short time at a temperature above that of boiling water.

Just as digestion is a function of the whole digestive apparatus, circulation of the circulatory apparatus, and respiration of the respiratory apparatus; just so, it is believed, is thinking a function of the thinking apparatus the brain and nervous system. And one is no more detachable than the other; and one is no more "immortal" after the death of the body than the other.

"I feel considerably better, Jim, and I thank you. It appears your deduction was correct." "You're welcome," Medart said, still grinning. "And they said there'd never be a cure for the common cold! You were right too, Rina; the change in environment when you came aboard gave some viruses the chance they needed. You were in the early stages of a nasty respiratory infection."

The drug has an intense depressant action on the heart and respiratory centre. Symptoms. Giddiness, fainting, nausea, and vomiting, with syncope, muscular tremors, stupor, stertorous breathing, and insensible pupil. Death has occurred after seventeen or eighteen pipes at a sitting. Post-Mortem Appearances. Not uniform or characteristic.

To the propriety of this Lewis not only assented, but said that he meant to continue the ascent, and rose for that purpose, whereupon the Doctor said that he dissented entirely from the notion that bad puns increased the hilarity of a party, and the Captain, giving an impulse to the atmosphere with his respiratory organs, produced the sound "Avast!" and advised them to clap a stopper in their potato-traps.

'Miss Radnor and Mademoiselle de Seilles arrived quite safely, said Dudley, feasting on the box which contained them and no Dartrey Fenellan in it. Nesta was wondering at Dartrey's absence. Not before Mr. Dubbleson, the chairman, the 'gentleman of local influence, had animated the drowsed wits and respiratory organs of a packed audience by yielding place to Simeon, did Dartrey appear.

For some years prior to this odd experience I had been connected with a daily paper at the state capital; and latterly a prolonged session of the legislature, where I specially reported, having told threateningly upon my health, I took both the advantage of a brief vacation, and the invitation of a young bachelor senator, to get out of the city for a while, and bask my respiratory organs in the revivifying rural air of Zekesbury the home of my new friend.

It is also called the branchial cavity and the cloaca, because it receives the excrements and sexual products as well as the respiratory water. This is so like the gill-crate of the Amphioxus in its whole arrangement that the resemblance was pointed out by the English naturalist Goodsir, years ago, before anything was known of the relationship of the two animals.

The respiratory calorimeter is an air-tight compartment in which men are confined for a week or more at a time while studies are being made concerning heat and energy yielded by food products.

Examination of the currents of water around the edges of the fish, by means of suspended carmine, showed that water passed in at the mouth and out at the lower respiratory orifice, but also into the space below the body at the upper and lower edges of the head, without passing through the respiratory channel.