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'Hold her head a little up t' ease her breathin' while I go for master; he'll be for sendin' for t' doctor, I'll be bound. Sylvia took her mother's head and laid it fondly on her breast, speaking to her and trying to rouse her; but it was of no avail: the hard, stertorous breathing grew worse and worse. Sylvia cried out for help; Nancy came, the baby in her arms.

He had gone all on a sudden as cool as Dick, and nothing but his stertorous breathing hinted of the rage which filled him. 'That's it, is it? Then, if you're finished, hear me. I ain't got the gift o' the gab as free as you, but I can mek plain my meanin', p'raps. And now you've got your answer, Mr. Fair an' Fine. Remember it, an' look out for yourself. For, by the Lord!

He was held down by two dressers, the chloroform was pushed, and by the time the candles were relit, his incoherent, half-smothered shoutings had changed to a stertorous snore. His head was turned on the pillow and the towel was still kept over his face while the operation was carried through.

He listened in the passage, and could hear hard stertorous breathing. Then he walked out in the garden, and looked at the early rime on the grass and fresh spring leaves. When he re-entered the house, he felt startled at the sight of Mrs. Abel. "How is your patient asleep, I think?" he said, with an attempt at cheerfulness in his tone. "He's gone very deep, sir," said Mrs. Abel.

If I had only waited and been patient for another day or two, perhaps " He stopped short, for he was conscious of what sounded like a deep sigh close at hand, then of a heavy stertorous breathing, and, dimly seen, not a couple of yards away, he made out the shape of a big, heavy, stooping man, passing over the lawn very slowly, and as if looking for him.

I felt my way to it, and rapped. "Vail," I called. "Vail!" His door was open an inch or so. I went in and felt my way to his bunk. I could hear him breathing, a stertorous respiration like that of sleep, and yet unlike. The moment I touched him, the sound ceased, and did not commence again. I struck a match and bent over him. He had been almost cut to pieces with an axe.

Turn me round a bit, Bill; so, that'll do. It's the bad leg I come down on, else I shouldn't have bin so hard-up. Yes, sir, as you truly remark, railway companies ain't fairly dealt with, by no means." At this point the attention of the passengers was attracted by a remarkably fat woman, who had hitherto lain quietly on a couch breathing in a somewhat stertorous manner.

A prolonged diet of plum-and-apple jam has implanted in the breasts of the men in the trenches certain dark and unworthy suspicions concerning the entire altruism of those responsible for the distribution of the Army's rations. It is close on daybreak, and the customary whispered order runs down the stertorous trench: "Stand to arms!"

Anne shook him, but he did not awake, his breathing being slow and stertorous. 'Bob, wake; 'tis your own Anne! she said, with innocent earnestness; and then, fearfully turning her head, she saw that Matilda was close behind her. 'You needn't mind me, said Matilda bitterly. 'I am on your side now. Shake him again. Anne shook him again, but he slept on.

His eyes were closed and his breathing was stertorous. "Of course I know him. Whatwhat is the matter with him? My Gawd, man, don't tell me he is dying. What do you mean, bringing 'im 'ere? There will be a coroner's hinquest and—" "You better get a doctor first. Waste no time. Get the coroner afterward if you have to. You tell Mr.