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Of the relations which the cerebellum sustains to the cerebrum and to the different parts of the body, the following view is quite generally held: In the development of secondary reflexes, as already described, conditions are established in the cerebellum, such that given stimuli may act reflexively through it and produce definite results in the way of muscular contraction.

These connect with neurons that in turn connect with blood vessels and with them act reflexively, when the heart is likely to be overstrained, to cause a dilation of the blood vessels. This lessens the pressure which the heart must exert to empty itself of blood. These fibers serve, in this way, as a kind of safety valve for the heart.

These canals unite to form the nasal duct, which conveys the tears to the nasal cavity on the same side of the nose. When by evaporation the eyeball becomes too dry, the lids close reflexively and spread a fresh layer of tears over the surface. Any excess is passed into the nostrils, where it aids in moistening the air entering the lungs.

Opposing this are radiating fibers which are attached between the inner and outer margins of the iris. By their contraction the size of the opening is increased. Both sets of fibers act reflexively and are stimulated by variations in the light falling upon the retina. Fibers from the ganglion cells pass into the optic nerve.

She moaned without regaining consciousness, her lips seeking reflexively for the life-saving liquid. When she was satisfied Brion gently drew the barbs from her flesh and drank again. The Disan hunkered down on his heels and watched them expressionlessly. Brion handed back the vaede, then held some of the clothes so that Lea was in their shade.

Feeling had rendered in him the decision that he had failed at anything beyond making himself more affluent than most, and so the question held no purpose. He was just a man with a brief and puny life, and as with all men he ate and expelled, sought pleasure and reacted reflexively against threatening stimuli no differently than any common, self-preserving cockroach.

"If you are ready, Brother, we should begin." Brother, not ruhar. Tarlac smiled at that human touch. "Yeah. Let's not waste time." Then he remembered. "Hey, what about Jim? The Empire can't afford to lose two Rangers at once now less than ever." "No," Kranath agreed. "He is still in critical condition, but Ranger Medart will recover fully." "Thank God!" Tarlac exclaimed reflexively.

"Among these signs pain, either spontaneous or upon touch, a rise in temperature, increased frequency of the pulse and, in general, the signs of severe illness, are to be looked upon as the local and general symptoms of a severe septic inflammation; vomiting, at least in the first stages of peritonitis, was due to decided reflex irritation of the numerous branches of the peritoneal nerves; the fecal discharges at the onset may be explained, but by no means invariably, as due to peristalsis acting reflexively.

Reflexively jumping into pleasure like a lifebuoy, as a human did, what could one expect? One thing was sure: he had experienced a deep pain that his fellow humans wouldn't even give the briefest of stares if they could avoid it.

Yes, she could become more specific about the location with the help of star maps. "Let's get them out," said Commissioner Tate. They got them out. The Ermetyne presently circled a largish section of the Vishni Fleet's area. The questions began again. 113-A: Professor Mantelish had told her of his experiments with this plasmoid There was an interruption here while Mantelish huffed reflexively.