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I have heard in particular, that the Steenkirk arrived but two months ago at Newcastle, and that there are several commodes in those parts which are worth taking a journey thither to see. C. No. 130. Semperque recentes Convectare juvat praedas, et vivere rapto. VIRG. AEn. vii. ver. 748. Hunting their sport, and plund'ring was their trade.

I have heard in particular, that the Steenkirk arrived but two Months ago at Newcastle, and that there are several Commodes in those Parts which are worth taking a Journey thither to see. No. 130. Monday, July 30, 1711. Addison. ... Semperque recentes Convectare juvat praedas, et vivere rapto. Virg.

Las mas recentes noticias que tenian en Demeraria, antes de mi salida, eran medias tristes, medias alegres. Tristes digo, viendo que Valencia ha caido en poder del enemigo comun, y el General Blake, y sus valientes tropas, quedan prisioneros de guerra. Alegres, al contrario, porque Milord Wellington se ha apoderado de Ciudad Rodrigo.

[Footnote ee: Mr. Bonnardot says: "Taches des crayons. (Plombagine, sanguine, crayon noir, etc.) Les traces récentes que laissent sur le papier ces divers crayons s'effacent au contact du caoutchouc, ou de la mie de pain; mais, quand elles sont trop anciennes, elles résistent

How much would he find his imaginary Republic short of his perfection? "Viri a diis recentes." "Hos natura modos primum dedit." As to the rest, they live in a country very pleasant and temperate, so that, as my witnesses inform me, 'tis rare to hear of a sick person, and they moreover assure me, that they never saw any of the natives, either paralytic, bleareyed, toothless, or crooked with age.

Las mas recentes noticias que tenian en Demeraria, antes di mi salida, eran medias tristes, medias alegres. Tristes digo, viendo que Valencia ha caido en poder del enemigo comun, y el General Blake, y sus valientes tropas quedan prisioneros de guerra. Alegres, al contrario, porque Milord Wellington se ha apoderado de Ciudad Rodrigo.