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This splendid, magnificent swamp o' ourn furnishes everythin' any reasonin' human bein' could want." Henry shot another black bear, very small but quite fat and tender, and he was quickly added to their store. More wild ducks and wild geese were caught in the snares, and they had now been on the oasis more than a week without the slightest sign from their foes.

"Watch the hand," said Mulvaney; "av she shut her hand tight, thumb down over the knuckle, take up your hat an' go. You'll only make a fool av yoursilf av you shtay. But av the hand lies opin on the lap, or av you see her thryin' to shut ut, an' she can't, go on! She's not past reasonin' wid. "Well, as I was sayin', I fell back, saluted, an' was goin' away. "'Shtay wid me, she sez. 'Look!

And that's something, even if them was all that was saved." "I don't quite see what you mean," answered Constance. "Oh, now, look here," said Tom, filling another pipe, "I ain't so foolish. I ain't goin' to say that the old days'll last forever. We all know better'n that when it comes right down to straight reasonin'. A country'll sleep about so long, same as a man; and then it'll wake up.

The aged female looked at me in surprise and feeble remonstrance, and sez she: "Can it be that you're jealous?" Josiah Allen, stop to once! The aged female looked at me in surprise." Even in that awful moment my powers of deep reasonin' didn't desert me and I said: "If I wuz goin' to be jealous I wouldn't be of a animated mummy, or livin' skeleton!"

Now mine can't abide the sight nor smell of it. What 'bout Paris green?" "They thrive on it; it's as good as an appetizer." "Well," said Jabe Slocum, revolving the quid of tobacco in his mouth reflectively, "the bug that ain't got no objection to p'ison is a bug that's got ways o' thinkin' an' feelin' an' reasonin' that I ain't able to cope with! P'r'aps it's all a leadin' o' Providence.

"Could he have been out here somewhere when the Captain, Will's father, found it, and have got some hint about its discovery? Maybe he guesses that Will's got a map, and that's what he's after. He wouldn't have followed us at such terrible risks, unless he had a mighty big motive." "That's good reasonin', Jim, an' I think thar's somethin' in your notion.

Abel, as was always backing him up; and to think of him breedin' sheep all his life; why, that man, sir, if only he'd learned a bit o' commonsense reasonin', might ha' done wonders, instead o' wastin' himself wi' a lot o' tomfoolery about stars and spirits, and what all." Thus he continued to pour forth till a fit of coughing interrupted the torrent.

"What has he done?" she repeated. "I guess he didn't do much of anything," Mrs. Barnard murmured, feebly; but Deborah did not seem to hear her. Cephas opened his mouth as if perforce. "Well," he said, slowly, "we got to talkin' " "Talkin' about what?" "About the 'lection. I think, accordin' to my reasonin', that what we eat had a good deal to do with it." "What?"

If that poor little red target for some ornery cuss's bullet can get all he's getting out o' life to-day, there's no cause why a reasonin' thinkin' man shouldn't realize some o' his blessings. You hit it, Maria; I got the power. It's the power o' God, but I learned how to lay hold of it from that little red bird. Come here, Maria!"

I want what I earn. I don't want a gift with a curse on it. Let her keep her fine things. She and her kind are responsible for all the misery of the poor on the face of the earth." "Seems to me you're reasonin' in a circle, Nahum," Andrew said, good-humoredly. "Look here, Andrew, if you're on the side of the rich, why don't you say so?" cried Eva.