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Andrew Jackson, give Gusty a boost; Ann Lizy, don't you tech Wash's feet to tickle 'em. Set pretty in the tub, Victory, dear, while ma sees who's rappin'." Then heavy footsteps approached, the door opened wide, and a large woman appeared, with fuzzy red hair, no front teeth, and a plump, clean face, brightly illuminated by the lamp she carried. "If you please, Rachel sent me.

"You might knock a sliver off the bones, rappin' them together that way." He lighted one of his long cigars, his shrewd eyes searching Mr. Gammon all the time. "Now," said he, tipping down a battered wheelbarrow and sitting on it, "there's nothin' like gettin' down to cases. We're here official. The first selectman of this town is here. Go ahead, Cap'n Sproul, and put your questions."

"Seen anything of the girl?" "Nope. But she may be there. Honest, you're up against a tough game. There's no use rappin' to the bulls. They'd tip Jerry off and the girl wouldn't be there when they pulled the house." "Then I must work this alone." "Why don't you lay down on it?" she asked, her frank eyes searching his. "You soitainly will if you've got good sense." "I'm goin' through."

He was in th' chattel morgedge business on week days an' he was a Spiritulist on Sunday. He cud understand why th' spirits wud always pick out a stout lady with false hair or a gintleman that had his thumb mark registhered at Polis Headquarthers to talk through, an' he knew why spirits liked to play on banjoes an' mandolins an' why they convarsed be rappin' on a table in th' dark.

When a rapping-storm was at its height in Wisconsin, one of our neighbors, an old Scotchman, remarked, "Thay puir silly medium-bodies may gang to the deil wi' their rappin' speerits, for they dae nae gude, and I think the deil's their fayther."

Where do I come in at? What's there in it for me to go rappin' me friend?" demanded Annie sharply. "She's not my girl," explained Clay. Then, with that sure instinct that sometimes guided him, he added, "The young lady I I'm in love with has just become engaged to another man." Miss Millikan looked at him, frankly incredulous. "For the love o' Mike, where's her eyes?

"True for ye," cried a man outside the window, as he flattened his nose against the glass, "an is it polite to kape yer own first mate rappin' the skin off his knuckles at the door?" The captain at once let in his follower, and showed him the letter. His surprise may be better imagined than described. "But d'ee think it's true, cap'n?"

"He was loafin' by the Pack-Horse door, just as usual, at two o'clock, rappin' the head o' his crop on the side o' his ridin' boots, drawin' his brows down an' lookin' out curses from under 'em across the street to the saddler's opposite, when two drover-chaps came up the pavement wi' a woman atween 'em.

He wouldn't say nothin' fur a month he is quiet as a lam' an' works steady as a clock then all to once the fool spell 'ud hit him an' then some crockery 'ud have to be wasted. "They ain't no reason for it, Mister Kingsley Bud cyant sho' the rappin' of yo' finger fur havin' sech spells along towards the full of the moon.

But chiefly he delighted to get a stick of soft wood and go prancin' through the house with it, rappin' the furniture or your shins as he went, and end up by chewin' it to bits on the fireplace hearth rug. Or it might be a smelly old bone that he'd smuggled in from outside. You could guess that would get Vee registerin' a protest and I'd have to talk to Buddy. "Hey!"