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Maggie whisked round in a flash, superbly indignant. "What d'yo' mean, sir-r-r?" "Yo' know what I mean, lass," he replied sheepish and shuffling before her queenly anger. She looked him up and down, and down and up again. "I'll niver speak to you agin, Mr. M'Adam," she cried; "not if it was ever so Nay, I'll walk home by myself, thank you. I'll ha' nowt to do wi' you."

He was "keeping" several girls, said she; and the queenly creature who was his vis-a-vis was one of the chorus in "The Maids of Mandalay." And a little way farther down the room was a boy with the face of an angel and the air of a prince of the blood he had inherited a million and run away from school, and was making a name for himself in the Tenderloin.

In the same number of years, with no greater advantages or opportunities, other women have become the queenly women of the race. Some women are girt with centuries, instead of gold or gems. Whenever they appear, the event becomes historic; what they do adds new lustre to life. We are all prodigals.

The one clad in the queenly garb said, "When I was young I used to rise to milk the cows, and I waken ever since at the same hour." The Queen-mother said to herself, "It is a strange country in which the royal maids rise to milk the cows." Then she said to the one who wore the clothes of the serving-maid: "How dost thou know in the dark hours when the dawn is coming?"

Temporarily she had the grip of Old Tom was well aware, at least, of his designs upon her purity, and superbly she combated him. With proud and queenly air she drew on Mr. Marrapit felt that the swift suspicion which had taken him had misjudged her. Mrs. Major reached the mat. Old Tom gave a playful little twitch of her legs, and she jostled the doorpost.

She stood grandly defiant, a queenly figure, her eyes fixed upon his as if she would read his very soul. Her hand was on the bell, but she had forborne to ring it. "You are trying to frighten me. It is not a very manly thing, Mr. Holmes, to come here and browbeat a woman. You say that you know something. What is it that you know?" "Pray sit down, madam. You will hurt yourself there if you fall.

At the first notes she lifted up her queenly head and stood, listening and appreciative. Then he saw her rounded throat swelling like a bird's, and the rich, full tones of her voice rang out through the welcoming sunshine, and the fluttering wrens, and proud red-breasted robins, and rival song-queens, the brown-winged thrushes, even the impudent shrieking jays, seemed to hush and listen.

The midmost of the three was like a young queen; she on the side nearest the sea was bold and meagre; the third was lovely, but disfigured by a scar. When they were come before St. Francis, after reverences, they knelt down on his right hand and his left, and the queenly woman in front of him. To her, courteously, he first offered the apple, but she laughingly refused it.

Now it is our pleasure that ye lead us back to Greenharbour; but as for this youth, that ye do him no hurt, but let him go free, according to thy word spoken e'en now, Sir Burgreve." She spake slowly and heavily, as one who hath a lesson to say, and it was to be seen of her that all grief was in her heart, though her words were queenly.

Its queen, the Queen of England, sends her sympathy, deeper than words, to the mourning, queenly relict of our noble President. Never shall I, or my children to the fourth generation, probably, see such a day. Never was the whole world girdled in by one sentiment like this of to-day. To the Same. ST. DAVID'S, Jan. 1, 1882.