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"Ma'am," said Trinidad with a sigh, "prospectin' for kids at Christmas time is like huntin' in a limestone for silver. This parental business is one that I haven't no chance to comprehend.

Reckon it's likely yer are er goin' prospectin', maybe?" The boys returned an evasive answer. But old McGee rambled on with the crisscross wrinkles forming and fading round his washed-out blue eyes. "Wa'al, I had my share on it, ain't I, Zeb?" said the old man to Zeb, who had just strolled up, smoking a short, black pipe.

"I was just prospectin' around, over on that new growth of Johnson grass, like you told me to, an' I saw where a steer had been killed, an' they had eat most of it, too, by th' signs." "You mean the rustlers?" asked Nort. "Rustlers, Greasers, Del Pinzo's bunch anything you like t' call 'em," asserted Billee. "Somebody, that hadn't any right t' do it, druv off our cattle!"

It's in easy rifle shot o' both ther cabin an' ther shaft, an' that Biff Farnham is mighty liable ter git another shock when he comes traipsin' up yere fer ter wipe out ther 'Little Yankee. Ol' Bill Hicks ain't bin prospectin' fer thirty years, an' holdin' down claims with a gun, without learnin' somethin' about ther business.

Conservative old fellow, Jed Barcolm, anyways allus said he'd made enough raisin' cattle and didn't aim to do no prospectin' at his time o' life." "But you think there is a good possibility of there being gold on the ranch?" insisted Allen, and the girls held their breath. Dan Higgins gave him a shrewd look and spat once more.

My, she's worth riskin' one's neck for. But, say, Dan, what are you doing out here?" "Prospectin', of course. What else would I be doin'?" "Strike anything?" "Not yet, though I've good prospects in sight, 'specially since you've arrived." Seeing the look of surprise in Curly's eyes, Dan laughed. "Yes," he continued, "I'm prospectin' in the same way that you are. I'm after Jim Weston's gal."

I've been scratching around at the head waters of the river, back there in the foot-hills." "Ah, 'prospects," observed the other, with a malicious shake of the head. "Guess you're allus prospectin' around. I see you diggin' Eve Marsham's tater patch yesterday. Don't guess you made much of a 'strike' in that layout?" "No." Peter shook his head genially. The little man's drift was obvious.

Dad started out to look for a place to settle down and I came here while he was prospectin'. He's got a house now, he says, and wants me to go right off. I'm goin' tomorrow." "Nelly, you mustn't go you mustn't, I tell you," exclaimed Winslow in despair. "I love you I love you you must stay with me forever." "You don't know what you're sayin', Mr. Winslow," said Nelly coldly.

There's nobody around the camps these days that ain't afraid of work, of gittin' lost, of sleepin' out of their beds of nights. Prospectin' in underbrush and down timber is no cinch, but it never stopped me when I was a young feller around sixty or sixty-five." A dry, clicking sound as Sprudell swallowed made the old man look around. "Hey what's the matter? Aire you dizzy?" Dizzy!

Then I leased my Dime Creek holdin's on royalties, an' that'll put me on my feet even ef this Golconda claim ain't all I think. But I done a lot o' prospectin' there once, an' it sure looks promisin'; an' besides it's right next t' the Midas, an' fer the last couple years or more Barclay has been takin' out wonderful pay there."