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However, there could be no harm in wiring, and if the ship had got in all waste of time would be avoided. Paul got in. In this I enquired whether Mr. Harvey Farnham, of Denver, Colorado, had been among the passengers.

He was the one who could tell of the plot by which he had personated Farnham in America, by Wildred's desire, and in the hope of obtaining a substantial bribe.

Have I your authority to deny the truth of that statement?" "You may say I gave you my word that I knew nothing whatever of the matter." "I'll do so, sir I'll do so. If you think the game will be clean and respectable, I may decide to witness it myself." "It's not my intention to permit anything on Farnham Field that may not be witnessed by you, by any lady, or by any child in town.

But I could have shouted aloud. Notwithstanding the extraordinary resemblance, this man was no more Harvey Farnham than I was! A Counterfeit Presentment We had not much talk together. The few questions which I cautiously put evidently rendered him uncomfortable, and I on my part, having made sure of one all-potent fact, was anxious to get away and think the puzzle over.

It was from the manager of the Fifth Avenue Hotel, in New York. "Mr. Farnham telegraphed to keep room for him. Is spending day or two with friends." I did not know what to think. It all sounded straightforward enough, and it was not credible that either the official in the office of the American liners, or the manager of an hotel, could be in collusion with Carson Wildred.

"Oh, Frederick, what a mother I have been to you." Farnham turned away, muttering gloomily to himself. The old lady followed him. "Don't be angry, Fred, I did it for your good, for your own good; nobody is hurt by it but myself; I lose all authority over you now.

The flush deepened on the widow's face, and she began to bite her nether lip furiously, a sure sign that rage was approaching to white heat with her. For occasionally Mrs. Farnham found it difficult to retain a just medium, when her temper was up. "Come, child, move on, let us go into the house, if this woman will get out of the way and permit us"

He did not take the trouble to be angry at the men who were denouncing him, and supplied Farnham with beefsteaks unusually tender and juicy, while the young reformer was seeking his political life. "Lord love you," he said to Budsey, as he handed him a delicious rib-roast the day before election. "There's nothing I like so much as to see young men o' property go into politics. We need 'em.

The authorities were already in possession of such separate information as I could give, and now that they would learn from Cunningham how Farnham had never gone to America at all, a very different and more lurid light would be shed upon the past. Meanwhile I would drive to Charing Cross, and might yet be in time to intercept the couple if they were intending to depart for France.

He cabled back, 'What shall I pay? I answered, 'Head your dispatch again: Get means get! Some men have got no sense. I did not mind the price of the wine, but it riled me to have to pay for the two cables." He poured out another glass and drank it drop by drop, getting, as he said, "the worth of his money every time." "Have some more?" he said to Farnham. "No, thank you."